Chapter Fifteen.

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Trigger warning - suicide.

The scream that echoes through the house was bone chilling, so raw and painful, another one came shortly after, it was like time had stopped. Ivan jumped from his desk, everything seemed to slow down as he tried to get to Eliza as quick as possible. With every sob she let out his heart throbbed. Coming out of his office he crashed into the wall opposite, not realising how fast he was moving, he ran as fast as he could to get to her, but no body could prepare him for the sight he would see.
He spotted Eliza on her knees first, a hand covering her mouth as she shook, tears streaming from her red, swollen eyes. His heart dropped, it wasn't his grandmothers time yet, she still had a couple months left in her, there's no way she could have gone yet. He bent down to stroke Eliza's hair out of her face.
"Breathe Eliza! Tell me what happened?" She shakily pointed her finger up at the ceiling. His heart stopped, numbness went through his veins before he even looked, but he couldn't help himself. He turned to see his dear grandmother, with her bedsheet wrapped around her fragile neck, hanging.
Before he could even think he rushed to her, holding her up, hoping he got there quick enough. But her body was limp and lifeless. He huffed out, his breathing becoming unsteady.
"Eliza, help me" He grunted out, but she covered her eyes and cried more. It was too late. He reached for the chair that had fallen, the one she must have used and stood it up with his spare hand, he couldn't let go of her.

He got her down and carried her to her bed. How did this happen? Eliza was just with her? She had been all morning.
Eliza rushed to Theresa's side, unwrapping the bed sheet to see the marks it had left, more tears fell, she could barely breathe.
"I-Ivan, sh-she's-" before she could even finish her sentence her body was shaking with sobs again. Ivan held Eliza up as he slid his phone out from his pocket, not taking his eyes off the woman that made him the man he is today. He shakily put it to his ear waiting for the voice.
"Son, how can I help you?" His father's stern voice finally broke him.
"Dad, I-i need you" He said as the tears began to fall, his voice so hoarse, he was broken.
"I'm on my way boy, don't worry, we're coming". Ivan dropped the phone and wrapped his arms around Eliza completely as they both stood crying into each other.

His parents soon arrived, his mother headed straight for Tilly, making sure she was okay and settled before joining the family in the living room, when Harold arrived he came to see his mother, placing a white sheet over her, but only then did anyone notice the note that laid on the bedside table.

'My Sweet Girl,

I know this must be hard and I am ever so sorry, but I didn't want to drag this out any longer. My Albert is waiting for me and I wish to go on my own terms.
Tell Ivan I love him dearly and I am so proud of who he has become.
Esme and Harold will look after you my dear, please stay strong, you have brought such joy and light to all our lives and we do dearly love you'

Harry handed the note to Eliza, his heart filled with hurt, but he knew his mother was dying and all she wanted was to reunite with his father.
Eliza began to sob again reading through it.
"Call your family my dear, we all need the support" She nodded as she left the room to phone them.
"Ivan" His father said as he put a hand on his son's shoulder, he had never seen his son so distraught.
"You done everything you could for her, she had the best end of life care, this is no one's fault" Ivan just nodded as a tear fell from his eyes.
"She had told Eliza to make lunch for them both, Eliza thought she was in a good way, a great mood, she was excited to spend the day with her, just like she is everyday". Esme broke at them words, that poor girl, she looked up to Theresa so much.

Soon enough Eliza's family arrived. Her mother and father, Jacob and Amanda. Surprisingly the first person to comfort Eliza was Amanda, she wrapped her arms around the small girl, Eliza broke down in her arms.
"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay" Amanda comforted her as Jacob saw to Ivan. The parents on both sides left the room to discuss everything, Eliza's family was close with Theresa, as Elizabeth spend most her time on the farm with her they had grown a good bond.

Esme and Debbie sat together, both getting teary as the men of the houses spoke about what was to come next.
"I think we need to rotate with helping them out, this is a massive loss to them both" David said as Harold nodded.
"Agreed, when should we organise the funeral for?" His throat hurt from holding in the emotions that flowed through him, begging to escape.
"That is up to you my dear friend, she is your mother, Harry" He said placing a hand on Harold's shoulder.
"Dear, please don't pretend to be strong for us, I know this is killing you" Esme reached across to grab her husbands hand.
"I just can't believe she would leave like that. I can't believe she would put our children through that" He sob broke out. Yes, he was devastated he lost his mother, but the thought of Eliza and Ivan finding her like that killed him more, they didn't deserve that.

"Thank you Amanda" Elizabeth whispered as the heavily pregnant woman handed her a coffee as they sat in the kitchen together.
"I know a lot has happened between us and I am truly not proud of my behaviour. Your family has shown me the meaning of life, love, the mate bond and I truly do love your brother" Elizabeth nodded at her words with a small smile.
"Wait till you have to live with him on his own, you might change your mind" She chuckled making Amanda laugh.
"Oh yes, I have realised he is a handful, thinks everything is a joke" Elizabeth nodded as she took a sip of her drink.
"I can't wait for my nephew to be here, his big cousin is lonely". Amanda couldn't help but smile at her words.
"Our families will finally be complete". Amanda was right, in so many ways.

"Sounds like the girls are getting along" Jacob commented as they heard the laughing coming from the kitchen. Ivan couldn't help but feel the guilt in his heart.
"I'm glad they are getting along, but I should have never of done that to either of them" Jacob nodded at his words.
"Every man has a weak moment in their life, but that isn't what defines them, it's their actions after their mistake that defines them". Ivan looked at Jacob, he sounded just like his little sister.
"She's going to need all the support she can get" Ivan's words hurt himself, he knew he couldn't get Eliza through this on his own, this was too much of a loss.


Hi all!
Just a heads up, I won't be editing on weekends anymore as I have four small ones and barely have time.

It will only be week days, please don't worry if you don't get an update for a couple days, it's school holidays so they are all home!

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I'll soon edit all chapters published!

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