Chapter Twenty.

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Sun rays beamed in through the white net curtains that gently waved as the wind caught them. Both bodies tangled together in the messy white sheets, clothes scattered everywhere, the lamp next to their bed was now smashed on the floor, parts of their wooden bed chipped and wrecked.

Eliza opened her eyes with a soft groan as she pulled her arms above her head to stretch out, she soon rolled over to look at Ivan, all the memories of the night before flooding back, she sat up in a rush and moved to grab his shirt, buttoning it up before moving to the bathroom, she saw the raw mark still on her neck, her hand moved to the new addition, shocked that it worked.

She let out a small hiss, she forgot how painful they were at first, but nonetheless she was happy it had worked. She noticed a few bruises and marks across her body, only light ones, they must of got carried away, it had been a long time since they were last intimate together.

Hearing Ivan moving across the room, she quickly done the buttons up on Ivan's shirt before he could see the damage.

"Morning beautiful" His husky voice sent chills through her, he looked down at her before planting a small kiss on her lips. "Are you okay?" He asked, pulling the collar down on her slightly to see his mark, he sighed in relief when he saw it worked.

"I'm fine" She smiled pulling at her sleeves. "I just came to check the same thing as you" She mumbled making him smile. He cupped her face looking deep into her eyes.
"I really do love you Elizabeth, I'm going to get it right this time, I promise". She nodded at his words before moving to her tip toes to kiss him.
"I know" She whispered as she pulled away.

Eliza rushed to get washed and dressed ready to go collect their daughter, having a night off was lovely but she missed her more than anything. Ivan took his time, since they completed the mating bond so recently everything was flooding back in and he would soon have to relearn how to control it. But this time he wasn't going to shut it off, when Eliza is in pain he wants to know, when she's down he needs to know.

By the time they had collected Tilly it was nearing on lunch time, the pack had organised another day in the sun with their Luna and Alpha, this time it was a massive cook out, involving any neighbouring packs. It was a lovely surprise for them to come home to and also gave them a chance to finally show Tilly off, having a daughter as a first child when you're an Alpha is rare, a lot of people saw it as a blessing whilst others saw it as a burden, but upon meeting the little girl they all agreed she was exactly what Ivan needed.

"She is just the sweetest!" Lila, the blood moon packs Luna squealed as she approached Eliza.
"Thank you! She really is" Eliza smiled back as she handed Tilly to someone who would be considered an Aunt to her in the future. All the packs got along well, all Alphas and Lunas friends and some even closer, it was like joining another family.
"She has your eyes" Alpha Jones said to Ivan who stood behind his mate proudly. Jones and Lila had three children of their own, all boys, their oldest would be turning eighteen next year, finally coming of age to get his wolf.
"How's business going on your end then Ivan?" Jones asked as they all took a seat on one of the gardens tables set out.
"Very well, we've had a few hiccups with some of the humans in the company but we're expecting that as they don't understand anything about this life".  Ivan had recently opened a club in the town a few miles away for supernatural beings to enjoy, as the human ones weren't compatible for them. It was somewhere they could go to enjoy theirselves without being questioned by humans, the few humans that did attend or work their know about their kind, either by being mates to wolves, friends or family.
"Well that is to be expected!" Jones laughed as he toasted to Ivan to congratulate his accomplishments.
"Eliza, I'm here to collect my niece" Jerome said standing behind her with a big grin on his face making her laugh.
"Of course" She chuckled picking her daughter up off Lila. "Want to go with Uncle Jerome?" She asked her daughter as her eyes grew wide, she held her hands out to the man trying to grab onto him making Eliza laugh again.
"I have missed you my princess!" He cooed as he cuddled her, kissing the top of her head. "I'll be over with the other pups, Jacob and Amanda are bringing Niaz over soon". Ivan watched as his best friend bonded with his daughter, he never saw a side like this from Jerome, he was always very hard faced, the only time he saw his soft side is when he was around Eliza.

The women spoke of future plans for their packs and upcoming events whilst the men discussed business. Eliza couldn't help but over head what they was saying, no matter how much she tried to stay focused on what Lila was saying, Ivan's words caught her by surprise.

"I'll have to leave in a few weeks, go round to all the packs to organise a renewal of the peace treaty". Her heart sunk but she knew she had a few weeks before his leave, also the packs needed this, renewing it every year made a difference that they hoped to keep.

"So when's the wedding" Jones asked making Eliza choke on her drink and Ivan smirk. He knew everyone noticed the mark on his mate and her scent had changed, it was now a mixture of his as well. "I mean you're fully mated again, why not get married?" Jones asked with a smirk as he took a sip of his drink, earning a slap on the chest from Lila.
"After everything they've been through there is no rush, and this time I'm sure they want to go all out, miss no little detail". Eliza hadn't even thought about getting married again other than when Ivan brought it up, little did she know it was something Ivan couldn't stop thinking about.

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