Chapter Eleven.

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Eliza's heart rate was speeding up with every passing second as they pulled up outside Ivan's home. Her palms began to sweat as the anxiety got worse. She felt guilty for what was about to happen and knew it was her fault, she should never of discussed their business without his permission and now she was dreading the impact if would have. The thought of what was about to unfold made her sick to her stomach, his family was fuming! But she had to remember it wasn't her actions that caused this situation and her discussing what has already been done was the least of their issues.

"Please just go easy on him, his already beating himself up enough about this" She begged as Theresa put a hand on Eliza's.
"And so he should! He wasn't raised to be a man whore!" She exclaimed as she jumped out of the car ready to face her grandson with determination. Eliza slid out of the car as Harold banged on the front door, three times, very loudly.
"His going to be so pissed at me for telling you all" She mumbled as Harry turned back to look at her.
"And I am pissed, as you would say, that my son lost his morals trying to impress others" He banged again, seconds after Ivan swung open the front door, shock evident on his face until his eyes fell on Elizabeth, then suddenly it turned to dread.

They all sat in the living room quietly, Ivan and Eliza sitting side by side as Eliza shared a cuddles with her sleeping daughter, she wasn't going to pass up extra time with her.
"I know why you're all here" He grumbled, rubbing a hand down his face, it was as his most common sign of when he was stressed.
"Then you know why we all need to have this talk" Esme said as Theresa sat on the edge of her seat trying to bite her tongue.
"I have someone arriving shortly, you need to invite Amanda here" Ivan's eyes grew at her demand but before he could argue back she gritted her teeth "Now" Her tone showed she wasn't ready to be messed with and this wasn't up for discussion. He text Amanda telling her to come urgently as a someone else had arrived.

"This is Ana" Theresa introduced as an elderly woman walked in with a bag that she held onto very tightly. "She is a witch I grew up with, the strongest witch I know, she's here to end this once and for all" Eliza's heart raced and everyone heard it, knowing the child was possibly Ivan's was one thing, but hearing the words would crush her.

Within twenty minutes Amanda was at the door, trying to act all sweet and seductive towards Ivan but soon the embarrassment was evident on her face when she saw everyone standing there.
"It's so lovely to meet you-"
"Zip it" Theresa spat as she glared at the heavily pregnant woman. "No filthy home wrecker is welcome to speak to me, so I suggest you sit down, keep your mouth shut and let my dear friend get to work" Amanda looked like she was about to cry at Theresa's words but she held it together well. She done as she was told but Eliza got up with her daughter and left the room, she wasn't ready to hear.

She sat in the kitchen with her daughter laying in the pushchair as she tried to pour a glass of water but her hand was shaking so much she dropped it straight into the sink. That's all it took, she couldn't hold it in anymore, she broke there and then. Her sobs could be heard throughout the house and at that moment in time Ivan didn't care for the results he needed to be there for her, he rushed to her side and held her as she fell down crying, she gripped his arm as she sobbed into his shoulder.
"How could you do this to me?" She cried. Ivan's heart grew tight and tears built up in his eyes.
"I love you so much and I will spend the rest of my days regretting hurting you, risking you and not being a hundred percent for you".

They stayed there in silence as Elizabeth tried to calm down as Esme walked into the room, a smile beaming across her face.
"It's not Ivan's" Ivan let out a sigh of relief when he heard these words.
"Who's is it then?"
"Someone called Jacob? She said he was her human mate but she rejected him" With that Eliza shot up.
"You what?" She spat as she stormed into the living room, she marched towards Amanda as she stood up about to defend herself but Eliza's fist connected with her face knocking her back down. She gripped onto Amanda's shirt as she got into her face.
"So not only do you fuck my husband" She spat at Amanda as the pregnant woman's eyes showed only fear. "But you mated with my brother, got pregnant by him and rejected him?!" She yelled. She smacked Amanda round the face again.
"Leave my family alone you dirty little slut!" She shouted again as she went to hit her one more time but Ivan pulled her away.

"You're better than this, my love" He whispered as he held her from behind.
"I was, I was better" She looked at Amanda again with looks that could kill. "You are nothing but the packs slut, and when this child is born you WILL hand him over to my brother and leave. Someone as self centred as you couldn't raise a child anyone and even if you could, he would still be better off without you" Everyone was shocked at the way Eliza exploded, it was completely out of character for her, but they all knew it was a long time coming.
You don't mess with her family.

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