Chapter Twenty Two.

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Wedding planning had begun, the wedding was to be held in a few weeks time after Ivan's business trip. Eliza couldn't stop smiling, she felt like her life was finally piecing together again.

The Alphas of other packs had been round every day since the engagement, they were talking about going into business together, Alpha Jones and also Alpha Mark and Alpha Albert of the moon stone pack. As Alpha Mark and Albert couldn't be Lunas for the pack Marks younger sister, Olivia was announced Luna, Albert and Mark were a couple before finding out they are mates, so it all worked out perfectly, the pack was accepting of this change as it wasn't sudden, they always knew.

"I can't wait for the men to leave" Olivia groaned as she slumped down on the sofa with a coffee clasped tightly in her hands with her sunglasses on. Eliza and Lila laughed as they watched her slowly sink deeper into the sofa.
"Too much to drink last night?" Eliza smirked as she watched the hungover wolf throw a death glare her way.
"I don't know what you are talking about" She smirked back. Olivia's mate, Michael, died a few years ago, he was on boarder patrol when vampires attacked, being Luna kept her going, but since then she had become a drinker in the evenings. The phrase 'It's five o'clock somewhere in the world' was often used by her. No one blamed her though and she was always able to carry out her duties either way.

"They're leaving three women in charge of the packs" Lila said with a shocked face, like it had just sunk in. "They must've lost their minds!" She all but yelled. Eliza chuckled.
"We only have basic duties compared to them, keep everyone safe and alive till they get back, they will only be gone a week at most, so I'm sure we can handle it". She shrugged as she looked over at the baby monitor to see her daughter still asleep peacefully.
"I think we should do wedding dress shopping whilst they're gone" Lila said excitedly making Olivia roll her eyes even though nobody could see.
"I think we should just go shopping anyway, retail therapy is great". Olivia chimed in before taking a sip of her coffee.

The men entered the room together, Ivan was looking down on his phone with a concerned frown.
"Everything alright?" Eliza asked as she put her coffee down to lean forward. He looked up giving her a soft smile, walking towards her.
"Everything's fine" He said softly as he kissed the top of her head. She could feel he was lying but didn't want to push, they are in a good place right now and if he didn't want to tell her she should trust it was for a good reason.

"So what day are you leaving?" Lila asked her husband as he sat on the arm of the chair beside her.
"Two days time, we need to be ahead of our game and try to act like we know what we're doing" Lila chuckled at his words as she tapped his knee.
"If you need any advice on human life I'd ask Eliza" All men turned to Ivan's mate like it was the best idea ever.
"Humans are pretty sensitive aren't they? How do we approach them?" This made Eliza laugh.
"Humans and business men are two different things" She couldn't help but find the whole situation hilarious.
"If you're going to approach them you need to be stern and firm, no wiggle room" She quoted from her ex, Nik, he is the son of a large firms CEO in town, his father owned most the company's, it's what split them up, she couldn't keep up with their lifestyle and wanted to settle. "I know someone that could come and give you some advice" She said as she pulled her phone out. Her and Nik didn't end on bad terms, they stayed close friends until she got with Ivan, that's when she left her old life behind, including friends.

Ivan raised an eyebrow as the man's voice spoke through loudspeaker.
"And here I was thinking you was dead!" Eliza chuckled as he carried on rambling. "How are you doing? I haven't heard from you in years!"
"I'm doing good Nik, sorry I haven't been in touch, I've been so busy, having a daughter and planning a wedding, takes a toll on you" She lied.
"Oh wow, that's amazing, I'm so happy for you". She could feel Ivan's burning gaze as she spoke to Nik. "Anyways, how can I help you? I'm sure you're not calling just for a catch up" He chuckled as Eliza looked up at her mate.
"My partner as his colleagues need help with some business related things, I thought who better to speak to than the man who owns most the company's in our town". He laughed at that.
"Very good point, would it be easier for them to come to me or should I come to you?" She looked up at Ivan who nodded at the second option.
"If you can come to us that would be brilliant"
"Of course I can! Send over the address and I'll head to you shortly, just finished up a meeting so need to check the notes over, then I'll be on my way".

Everyone was worried about Niks arrival other than Eliza, she knew him well, he was a lovely man and was always ready to help anyone he could. Ivan on the other hand had become cold towards her after hearing them talk, he didn't like the thought of her ever being with another man.
Eliza opened the door to reveal Ivan's biggest fears, he was extremely good looking for a human and this worried Ivan massively, especially as he could tell something had happened between them.

"Nik! Thank you for coming" Eliza greeted him like an old friend, watching them hug made Ivan's feelings switch, worry soon turned to hate.
"Anything for you, but I am on a tight schedule" He said looking down at his Rolex. His suit easily cost a few thousands, his dark blonde hair gelled back, blue eyes framed by dark, thick lashes, dimpled smile and a welcoming aura. Ivan had never felt insecure before nor worried about anyone taking Eliza's attention but this man in front of him stirred new emotions he wished he never had to experience.

"This way" Ivan said sternly as turned to leave, heading towards his office with the other Alphas on his tail. Elizabeth shook her head, laughing to herself as she watched them all, but her stomach turned slightly when she realised something. Ivan wasn't pretending to be like that, a part of him was like that and all she could do was hope and pray this wasn't going to set them back.

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I know the story has a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Please bear with me, I have mentioned many times it is not edited but I will slowly be doing a chapter at a time whilst updating.

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