Chapter Nine.

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"You need to eat Princess" Jacob sighed as he pushed a plate of food towards Elizabeth as she sat at her parents dinner table looking at the tiny sleeping baby in her arms.
"I'm not hungry" She muttered as she stroked her daughters face. She still couldn't get over how weak and stupid she felt, to ever even think he could care again, but deep down the whole time she knew he would go back to his ways, he never cared for anyone except himself. She was fun and beautiful, but Elizabeth was sweet and loyal, now days that doesn't stand for much.

"I'll take Tilly and you head up and have a bath, okay sweetie?" Her mum smiled before swooping the baby into her arms and kissing her daughter on the head. She silently nodded whilst she watched her mum coo over her first grandchild.

She slowly moved up the stairs to the bathroom and ran solely the hot tap, she wanted to scrub and burn every part of him off her body, she wanted the feeling of disgust and being used to go away, but she knew nothing could stop them thoughts. Whilst she was looking into the mirror something caught her eye, she almost couldn't believe it, she turned to the open window to get a closer look.

A dog, a large dog. Outside her parents house, fur black as night, eyes blue as a summers sky, it wasn't a dog, it was a wolf.

It was Ivan.

She quickly shut the curtains and checked her phone, she had three missed calls from Jerome which she quickly returned as fear spiked through her body.

"His here" She whispered knowing in his wolf form his hearing is a million times better.
"I tried calling to tell you!" He whisper yelled down the phone.
"What do I do? Why can't he just leave me alone?" She asked as she peaked round the curtain to see him still standing guard.
"Just ignore him, I think he just wants to keep an eye on you and Tilly, I think he knows his messed up big time again" Elizabeth just sighed at his words, that still doesn't mean he cares.
"Thank you for trying to give me a heads up Jerome, I'll keep you updated" She whispered before hanging up.

The burning feeling on her skin was somewhat comforting, she scrubbed her self red raw until she noticed blood vessels popping under her skin, the red and purple rash just looked awful, she quickly stopped and tried to fill her mind with things about her daughter, but she hadn't had a chance to get quality time with her yet, that was her next step, make the most of this beautiful little Angel she had been blessed with. Nothing could compare to her daughter and she'd never let anything stand in the way of her giving Tilly the world.

A couple days had passed and with every passing day Elizabeth was getting better and better, the distance between her and Ivan showed and everyone noticed it.

"Who's Mummas BabyGirl" She cooed as she smothered her daughter in kisses, her big blue eyes looking up at her, eyes just like her fathers. She knew she couldn't keep Tilly away from him forever, it wasn't right, but she was going to enjoy her quality time whilst it lasted.

"Where does he sleep?" Her mum asked standing at the window watching Ivan "I mean, he never leaves, surely he can't keep this up! It's been nearly a week!"
"He won't give up mum, their mate bond is something else" Jacob commented.

"Was" Eliza grunted as her family turned to look at her "It was something else until he decided to commit infidelity" She spat.
"Our mate bond was broken and our marriage ended in divorce, we will never be the same again". She tried her best to ignore her families sympathetic looks but they was suffocating her.

That night when Tilly was wrapped up asleep in her grandmothers arms Elizabeth decided to head outside and talk to Ivan.

"We need to arrange custody" Was all she said as his face dropped, like all the hope he was holding onto just snapped.
"What do you mean?"
"You can have her two weekends a month and that's it, if you have alpha duties or pack duties let me know and I'll have her them weekends as well"
"So is this it?" He asked, his head low.
"I'm sorry Ivan, but you made your bed and now you can lay in it" She scoffed as she got up from where she was sat and brushed herself off.
"Can I at least say goodnight to her?" She turned back to see his broken expression.
"No, you'll never be welcome in this house, or any other house I will live in, you will get your time with her. If you wanted every waking morning and every night with her you should of thought about that before you went back to Amanda".

She turned and headed back into the house to be with her daughter.

A bit longer than the last chapter but not as long as I'd like, fingers crossed we can build it back up over the next few chapters!

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