1962 - Surprise in Seattle

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She never appeared again. Blue Hawaii went, the same with Wild in the Country, Girls! Girls! Girls!, Follow that Dream, Kid Galahad and Fun in Acapulco. Now, I stood in the fairgrounds underneath the infamous and new Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, wearing one of the most expensive suit ensembles that I had ever worn, and little child actress Vicky Tiu stood with me. Her head went up to my belly.

Maybe Meara was no more. After being with her on the beach in Hawaii, I desperately hoped to see her again, but maybe I was hoping in vain. I would have at least caught a glimpse of her while doing my last five movies. But nothing. Not even a mention of the name Melany.

I had other girls to think about, other than Meara. Priscilla was back in Graceland. She had just arrived from Germany last summer, on the pretense that I marry her. That was the deal I made with her parents so she could live in Memphis. She was supposed to live with my father and grandmother in a different house, but she thought it wouldn't harm anyone to silently move into Graceland. She was there all the time, anyway.

"Elvis, what are you thinking about?" little Vicky asked me. I looked down at her as she craned her neck to look up at me. Two braided ponytails fell from both sides of her head under her sunhat.

 Two braided ponytails fell from both sides of her head under her sunhat

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"Oh, nothin' you need to worry your pretty little head about, honey. You have your lines down, right?"

"M-hm. I practiced them with my mother yesterday. She was reading your lines, which I thought was kind of funny since the lines are for a man and she's a woman."

She laughed in her cute little girl laugh. I couldn't help but laugh as well. "That is kinda funny, huh?"

Several people from the sidelines were calling for me as the film crew was getting the next scene set up. Some cops were trying to keep them back. I smiled and waved to my fans, and some women swooned. I grinned. That would never get old. It was such a complement to me that women reacted to me in the way that they did.

Not being able to help it, I scanned all the faces of the women in the crowd. A few seconds in, I realized what a fool I was and got back to what I was doing.

People still shouted at me, and I could hear a lot of girls. While Norman wanted to film in September after school started so the area wouldn't be overrun with my teen-aged fans, once afterschool hours came, so did the teens. It couldn't be avoided either way because of how popular I was. It was nuts how popular I became.

"Elvis, do you think someday I'll be as famous as you?" asked Vicky as Norman was walking over to us, most likely to tell us to get into place. I looked down at my little co-star who I also saw as a little sister.

"I don't know, honey. You're already kinda famous now."

"I'm famous because of you. It's the same thing with my sister Ginny who played in one of your movies. People see her and get excited because she was in your movie."

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