1975 - Daddy's Little Girl

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Something happened, and I was down on the floor. Voices filled my ears, but I didn't really understand what they were saying. It all meshed together. I felt sick. My head was fuzzy. My vision bleary. My body... weak. 

I needed to sleep. Or pass out. My pills... I needed my pills.

"Elvis, stay awake!"

That was Daddy. My eyes opened, and someone propped me up to a sitting position. When my eyes adjusted, I saw my father. "Daddy...?" I uttered.

"Can you stand?"

"He better," said the Colonel. "He has to be on stage in ten minutes."

My whole body felt numb, and my head pounded. "I... can't do this concert. I have 'ta... I wanna sleep."

I said something else, but I didn't even know what I said. I thought of Lisa. I wanted to hold her. Where was my daughter?

"He's delusional," someone commented. "He really shouldn't do the concert."

I leaned against Daddy. "Lisa..." I muttered. "I need... What happened to my daughter? I... someone get 'er."

"Elvis, she's in LA," said Daddy. "She's too far away."

Something blew up inside of me, deep in my gut. "I WANT MY DAUGHTER!"

Hot tears seared my eyes, and I covered my face with my hands. My mouth ran again with words as I rocked back and forth.

"He's not well, Colonel!" another guy shouted. "He needs a hospital, not a concert! He's as white as a ghost, and he can't even stand or hardly say anything coherent. If no one's gonna take 'em, I'm takin' 'im myself!"

That was Charlie, my best friend. Where was Jerry? He was back at Graceland. That was the place Lisa went when she was on vacation. When I could see her. "Get me my daughter!" I screamed. "I need my daughter!"

"Elvis, no one can get her right now," Daddy said firmly, holding on to me, and his face was fuzzy in my vision since my eyes were filled with tears that were running down my cheeks. Something loud escaped my lips.

"He needs to rest!" Charlie shouted.

"He's doing the concert!" the Colonel refuted hotly. "Doc, what can you give him?"

"He needs a hospital! Everyone, can't you see that?!"

My mind glazed over the ensuing argument, and I suddenly felt something sharp enter my arm. I yelped. "That should hold him," I heard faintly, maybe my doctor. A couple people helped me stand up. I didn't want to stand. I wanted Lisa. I wanted to sleep. Why was it so hot and cold at the same time? I was sweating. I needed a shower.

"Get him to the stage."

What people were saying suddenly made sense to me, and all turned clear. I looked at Daddy and blinked a couple times. "Daddy..." I put my palm to my forehead. "Ow... What happened to me?"

He took in and let out a huge breath. "Nothin', son, nothin'. You ready for this concert?"

"I'm always ready for a concert."

With his arm around my shoulders, I walked with my gang to the stage and performed in another tacky jumpsuit under blistering hot lights in a smelly theater. Everybody's cheers... they were my drug, but not as much as whatever was in my system.

~ ~ ~

My daughter was more important to me than anything. It really hurt me to be away from her, and I was only able to see her during holidays and the summer, mainly since that was the custody agreement Cilla and I made. The two lived in LA, so that made it worse. I loved the times I could spend with Lisa. They were precious. She was seven years old now and in first grade. How utterly insane that was.

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