1971 - Those Little Pink Papers

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Well, we're in the 70s now! We have only a few years left, unfortunately. In a better world, this story would be 80+ chapters long, but... Anyway, enjoy the 70s and those amazing jumpsuits!

Note: The picture above is from the concert mentioned in this chapter, and the videos I used are live versions of the songs, but from different concerts. I just wanted to get the feel of him singing them live with his current voice. I found a video of this specific concert, but it's really poor quality.

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Everyone was right. There was an insane reaction to the Comeback Special. It truly brought me back into my singing career like I wanted. Yes, I did a few more movies, but after Change of Habit, no more film industry. I was back where I wanted to be in music. It was where I thrived and really lived. It was a lot of work, doing all those movies, and there were sleepless nights, but it was all worth it. My fans, my family back a Graceland, my music and my assortment of pills kept me going.

Starting on the 5th of November, my tour began. After being in Vegas for three months, I wanted to get back, going around the county doing concerts like I did when I first started out. We planned cities such as Kansas City, Dallas and Cincinnati, but we wanted to start out on the east coast in Baltimore and Philadelphia.

My wardrobe for my concerts and shows drastically changed from what it was before, and besides my age, that was really the only difference to my first concerts where I wore normal suits. This time, I started to wear outfits that I never thought I would wear—tacky, blingy jumpsuits. I mainly started wearing them last year when I got back into the music industry, and it was only for show. That was it. The Colonel, as well as myself, wanted me to have a new image, so we hired someone to design these jumpsuits. It would define the new Elvis Presley, an improvement from what I was, according to the Colonel.

He had been a decent manager since the Comeback Special. That was just a hard time since it was that needed transition from the film industry back to the music industry. I thought about it, and any major change or transition in life is messy. We got through it, and when we received the glowing feedback from the special, the Colonel chose to have me do a few more films and then get me back into music—it was what my fans wanted desperately. The contract I had ended this year, and a new music contract was signed. The 70s was a start to a whole new chapter of my life, and I was thrilled about it. No more movies, just shows and concerts and wearing those jumpsuits that I only wore on stage, not anywhere else. And I had to say, they were a spectacle. The press called it my new signature look, just what we were hoping for. People would remember me in the jumpsuits more than anything else, aside from my singing. I was okay with that. It was better than remembering me for those horrible movies. I was in them, though, and they were a part of my life—I couldn't change that—but at least I moved on from them. Thank God.

"Elvis, you ready?"

I turned my head to see Jerry standing in the doorway to my dressing room for my last show in Kansas City on November 15th. I had on one of my white jumpsuits with a complementary cape. It was during this tour that they added the capes to my jumpsuits, just for some extra flair. It was also a head nod to the superheroes I loved as a kid.

"As ready as I'll ever be, Jerry." I fiddled with cape as I looked in the mirror. It was a silly—the jumpsuit outfits themselves were silly—but they were fun, and people liked them. Jerry came in and adjusted it and fixed my black hair. It was a tad longer than usual, and my sideburns almost went down to my jawline. Again, it was all a part of my signature look, along with my smile. A downer, though, I put on a couple of pounds. That just came with getting older. I wasn't the young guy I once was. Forty was nearing.

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