Dreams of Her

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Six months later...

Nico stared into the mirror hanging on the wall of his room. Pictures of him and the blonde demigod were pinned up in the corners. He used to look at them and smile, but ever since that night they've sent stabbing pains of guilt into his heart. Guilt that he couldn't find her, guilt that he couldn't prevent her disappearance, and guilt that he didn't know if she had run away or had been taken.

He pushed away from the mirror and climbed into his bed welcoming the peace of sleep.

However, his dream was bizarre. He stood in a darkened cavern alone. Footsteps echoed against the walls and he peered into the darkness. "Hello?" he called.

"Nico?" an all too familiar voice answered back.

His head snapped from side to side as he looked around. "Shelby?"

A girl a little smaller than he with blonde hair walked out of the darkness. She had her hands shoved deep into the pockets of an aviator jacket that matched Nico's and was biting her bottom lip nervously. Her black jeans were torn and her black high top converse were dirty. She looked up at him with her big green eyes. "I'm scared."

He rushed forward and tried to hug her but her body went through his like she was a ghost. He pulled away shaking his head. "No..."

She whimpered. "I don't know what's going on."

"I don't either, but I will find you," he said, trying to reassure her, but really he was trying to convince himself.

Her image flickered and she shivered. "I'm waking up Nico, and when I do, I won't remember you. Just promise me you'll find me."

"What do you mean?" He asked in a panicky voice. He watched in terror as her image flickered like a mirage

She took a slip of paper from her pocket and shoved it into his hand. "You'll find me. I know you will." Tears were starting to pour out of her eyes. "Just don't give up on me."

"I'd never give up on you."

She started to become faint and began crying harder. "Find me Nico. Please." And with those words her image faded and she disappeared.

"No!" he shouted as he woke up in a cold sweat back in the Hades cabin. His head snapped from side to side as he desperately searched for her. Tears ran down my face as he fell back against my pillow. He gripped his sheets tightly only to feel something in his hand. He pulled his hand back and opened it to see a slip of paper crumbled in his palm. He carefully unfolded it to see two simple words written in Shelby's hand writing. "Longmont, Colorado..." he read aloud. He smiled slightly at the clue. He looked over at his clock and read 3:45 A.M. on the digital screen before lying back down and closing his eyes.

At breakfast the next morning he ran into the dining pavilion to where Leo, Percy, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, and Piper were talking at the Poseidon table. He slammed his hands down on the wood startling them all. "Guys, we're re going on a road trip."

Leo's eyes lit up. "Did you find Shelby?"

"Not exactly, but I had this dream," he said before explaining his vision in detail to them.

They listened intently. When Nico was done Percy grinned. "Well, who wants to ask Chiron for a quest to Colorado?"

All their hands shot into the air and without another word they were out of their seats and in a full sprint toward the Big House. 


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