CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (not an actual part of the story)

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"Go away."


"I'm the name of Lucifer let me sleep!" (sorry. I've been watching way too much Blended.)

"Whoa. Chill man," Nico said jumping off of my bed.

I glared at him through a crack in my covers. "You would not be chill if I woke you up by jumping on your bed at," I paused and checked my clock, "noon."

"But it's Christmas!"

I threw a pillow at him and turned back over.

He easily caught it. "Oh don't be like that."

"I will be like that. Now let me go back to sleep."

He smirked. "Okaaaay...."

The room went silent.

Oh crap...

Nico launched himself onto the bed behind me and stared assaulting my body with tickles. "You asked for it!"

I squealed. "Nico! No! Stop it! Bad boy!" My body was arrested by a laughing fit. "If I get up will you stop?" I wheezed between laughs.


"Fine! You win!"

"Yes!" He jumped up taking me with him. He ran over to my dresser and started rummaging through the clothes. "Wear this!" He said throwing a bundle at my face.

I caught it and looked at the shirt. "'Dear Santa, I was framed'?"

He nodded.

"Fine..." I stood up and looked at him. "You gonna leave?"


"Oh my gods." I walked over to him and pushed him out the door slamming it in his face.

Laughter was faintly audible on the other side.

I kicked the door and retreated to my bathroom to get ready. I put on the shirt Nico had picked out and a pair of flannel-lined skinny jeans. I pulled on my boots, put my hair up in a messy bun, slid on my aviator jacket, and walked out.

The ground was covered with a thin blanket of snow and tiny flakes were falling from the sky indicating that Chiron had decided to let it snow today. Red and green fairy lights dotted the trees around my cabin making the snow glow.

I looked around searching for a certain son of Hades. "Nico?"


Hundreds of snowballs shot my way.

I squealed and dived back inside my cabin slamming the door shut. When the thumping noise of snow crashing against my door subsided I peeked out only to be hit square in the chest with a snowball.

Nico laughed and high fives one of his skeletons. "Nice one, Jeffery!"

I marched up to Nico with a handful of snow and shoved it in his face.

He froze and looked at me. "So that's how you want to do it eh?"

"Styx!" I ran for dear life through the snow covered trees.

A shadow glided on the snow beside me.

"So not fair!"

The shadow laughed in amusement. "Sure it is," Nico's voice called from all around me.

I continued running into the sunlight where he couldn't follow. "Ha. You can't get me from here."

"Want a bet?" he whispered from behind me.

I tensed. "Nico..."


"Don't do it."

"Maybe I will."

"I'm warning you Death Boy."

He shoved a handful of snow down the back of my shirt.

"Nico di Angelo!" I yelled as I fell to the ground writhing. I frantically tried to get the cold substance out of my shirt but I was just making matters worse. My shirt was soaked and my pants were getting there. "You are the worst boyfriend in the history of boyfriends."

"But you love me anyways."

I wanted to slap that smirk right off his face. "You're lucky it's Christmas." I held up my hand. "Now help me up."

He grabbed it and hoisted me up into his warm embrace. He nuzzled my hair. "You're freezing."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Mine," he mumbled with a smile.

I started to smile but a sneeze cut me off.

"Bless you."

"Thank... sneeze... you... sneeze..."

"Oh crap." He chuckled.

"Oh crap is right young... sneeze... man. You got me... sneeze... sick!" I sneezed again and shivered in his hug.

He picked me up and began walking me back to my cabin. "None of this would have happened if you had stayed in bed."


He laughed and opened the door to my warm cabin. He gently set me down on the bed and brought he heavy blankets up to my chin. He walked over to the small kitchen tucked in the corner of the room and came over with two mugs of hot chocolate with added marshmallows and candy canes. He set them on my nightstand and walked over to the TV. After messing with the DVD player he returned to the bed and sat down next to me. He clicked a button on the remote and it flickered to life.

"A Year Without Santa Clause?" I questioned.

He nodded. "Yep. You told me this was your favorite Christmas movie. What better way to close off Christmas?"

I sneezed. "I didn't get to experience Christmas. You got me sick."

He laughed. "And now I'm making it up." He draped his arm over my shoulder.

I snuggled into his embrace. "Merry Christmas Neeks."

"Merry Christmas Shelbs..."

That was cute... And yes I absolutely love A Year Without a Santa Clause simply because of Snow Miser and Heat Miser who resemble my sister and me.

I'm mister white Christmas. I'm mister snow. I'm mister icicle. I'm mister ten below. They call me Snow Miser, what ever I touch turns to snow in my clutch. I'm too much! Too much!

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! Any big plans? Well I hope that you guys are having a good time.

I hope you liked this part. It was a little replay of one of the memories that Shelby had forgotten. It won't affect the main story line, however, since she still can't remember any of this. But I felt like I just needed to add in a Christmas special.

Hope you guys enjoyed this and have an awesome holiday!

*waves from Santa's slay* HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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