Into the Underworld

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Coach Hedge dropped us off at the entrance with fifty gold drachmas, wished us luck, and sped off down the road.

I looked up at the sign. "DOA Recording Studio. Truth be told I thought the entrance to the underworld would be a lot more dark and gloomy."

"Dad wanted the place to blend in with the mortal world and Charon was into music at the time so this is what it became," Nico said as he pulled the door open. "After you."

I smiled. "What a gentleman!" I walked in.

The lobby was huge and packed. Tired-looking people milled around aimlessly. Some were staring at watches and some were waiting by the elevator. Like the Lotus Hotel, their clothes varied from time period to time period. Some had obviously been here for a while.

Toward the back of the room was a tall desk with a man in an Italian suit sitting behind it reading a novel.

Nico and Chase stood beside me.

"Come on," Nico said pushing through all the spirits. "There's only one man who has the card to get down and that is Charon. Now let's go have a chat with my Dad's employee."

I nodded and approached the desk.

Charon looked up at me and scrunched his nose up.

"Um, hello. We'd like to get to the Underworld."

He looked down at me with his cold eyes. "So would they. Wait your turn."

I felt small under his gaze. "It's kind of an emergency," I said a bit forcefully.

"I said, wait your turn."

Nico cleared his throat. "Charon. I'm not sure my father would appreciate you talking to my girlfriend like that." He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

Charon examined Nico and a look of shock and fear washed over his features. "Oh! Mr. di Angelo! I didn't know she was your--"

"Just let us into the underworld and I won't tell my father about this."

"Of course sir." He fumbled for a key card and walked toward the elevator. He turned on all the spirits. "If anyone tries to leave or changes the radio, I will personally make sure you're here for another thousand years!" He inserted the key card into a slot and the elevator doors slid open.

"Into the underworld," I mumbled stepping in.

Nico stood next to me and held my hand. "There's perks to being the son of Hades."

I laughed. "Well look who's all high and mighty down here."

He shrugged. "Well down here, I'm a prince."

"Prince Nico. I like it." I smiled.

"Ugh. Don't do that while I'm in here," Chase said as he pretended to throw up.

I rolled my eyes. "Ah shush."

The doors to the elevator closed and we began our descent.

My stomach lurched. "Oh gods..."

Charon chuckled. "Not one for elevators huh?"

"Apparently not." I held my stomach.

The elevator continued to move, but instead of going down, it moved forward. The walls melted around us and were replaced with a gloomy scene. We were in a cave of sorts, one you couldn't see the top of, and sailing across a river. Mist curled off the water surrounding us. The elevator had turned into a boat and Charon was wearing a long, black robe.

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