St. Louis

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"Dude, you weren't kidding..." I mumbled setting my bag down on one of the two king sized beds in the pure white room.

Nico looked around and whistled appreciatively. "This is one fine room."

Chase sat down in a fluffy chair. "The owner owes me his life, so the presidential suite is at my disposal at all times."

I sprawled out on the bed and smiled contently. "Forget cabin 21, I'm moving in here."

Nico suppressed a smile and looked at Chase. "So how long have you been following us?"

"Since New York," Chase answered nonchalantly. "My dad visited me in a dream and told me that you guys might need some help with your prophecy."

Nico scoffed. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Chase spread his arms. "I'm here to guide you. Neither of you know what you're doing, and I know the meaning of the entire prophecy; I can help you."

"We don't need your help," Nico snapped. "

I elbowed him. "How about we hear what he knows first and then we'll decide?"

Chase laughs and sat down on the bed next to me. "Sounds like a plan. Alright, so the two of you are right to be heading west to the underworld, but do either of you know what you're looking for?"

Our silence answered that question perfectly.

"Okay then. From my understanding, Chaos's cage is not a literal cage, rather it's a sealed off cave just beyond the River Lethe."

I frowned. "How do you know this?"

"My dad told me. After all, it was his oracle that issued the prophecy. Anyways, the bottom line is, a lot of monsters are going to try and stop you from strengthening his cage--those hellhounds were just barely scraping the surface--and I know how to get there safely."

Nico crosses his arms. "How do we know we can trust you?"

"You can't." Chase answered dead serious.

I looked at Nico.

Nico exchanged a quick glance with me before turning his attention back to Chase. "Elaborate."

"Getting there isn't the hard part, but as you get nearer and nearer to the cave, the more monsters will come at you. Some of them need light to be defeated. My dad is the sun god so I figure that I can produce that light for you."

I looked at him. "Why are you doing this?"

He clenched his fist. "Chaos took me over and made me kill my best friend. I want to make sure he never does that to anyone else."

Nico was silent for a few moments before he grumbled. "Fine. You can come with us, but I still don't trust you."

"I don't expect you to, I just want to defeat Chaos."

I nodded and looked between the two boys. "We leave in the morning after breakfast, but for right now, we sleep."

"I'm gonna raid the bathroom," Nico said entering the pearly white wash room.

I shook my head and fell back onto the giant bed.

Chase looked at me. "Thank you for bringing me along."

I nodded. "It's nothing. I know what it's like to have something stolen from you by Chaos."

"Excuse me for asking, but what did he take?" Chase asked sitting cross-legged.

I looked at the door where Nico had disappeared. "My memories," I said with a frown.

"So that's why you're on this quest? To get your memories back?"

I Don't Remember You (Nico di Angelo Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now