The Hogwarts Express

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The cover story was laughable to say the least.

Harry was James' long lost cousin who had mysteriously appeared in the summer.


No one in their right mind would believe it. But Harry supposed that no one in Hogwarts was anywhere near their right minds.

The past few days had been hell to say the least. Harry hadn't been let out of his room at all ever since he and Theo had their run in. He felt empty without his wand, as though he was missing an arm. His knives were gone as well, and with no books in his room, there was nothing at all to do.

He had heard the Potters arguing more than once. The high pitched voice of Lily screaming at James. She wanted to see Harry, but James was worried she might get hurt. Harry always laughed when James made that point.

Harry wouldn't hurt Lily, he may be a murderer, but he wasn't for killing innocents. And besides, if he was to kill one person in that house it would be James. Because although the man hadn't specifically done anything, god he got on Harry's nerves.

September first came soon, and Harry realised that he might have been taking the past peaceful weeks for granted.

Moody and James burst into his room at the crack of dawn. Harry had been awake of course, he never slept in this place.

"Get up boy," Moody said gruffly.

Harry sighed, "If I'm not mistaken, the Hogwarts Express leaves at eleven."

"We need to get there early," James said, "to miss the rush."

Harry laughed and stood up, noticing the way Moody's hand twitched towards his wand. "We'd better get going then. Merlin forbid anyone seeing me, it's not like I'll be at Hogwarts for the entire year."

James shifted uncomfortably, "Harry please try to understand, everything we're doing is for your own good."

Harry glared at him, "If you're so concerned about my well-being, then send me back to my father."

Harry smirked as James flinched at the word, before clenching his fist.

"You will not be going back to that- that monster and that's that." James said sternly, his voice trembling, "You will go to Hogwarts and you will be safe."

"I was safe before!" Harry exclaimed. 

Moody really did pull his wand out this time, pointing it at Harry. 

"Careful boy," Moody growled. "You might have been safe, but the people you were murdering weren't."

Harry raised a brow, "Really?" 

Moody snarled and stepped forward, stopped only by James who put a stern hand on the man's arm. 

"Knock it off, the both of you," James said, "We need to get going." 

And so, with no luggage to speak of, no wand, no clothes, Harry, Moody and James apparated to King's Cross station with a 'pop'. 


Having never been to Platform nine and three quarters  before, Harry supposed he was supposed to be a little excited. 


It was too quiet. 

The sun had just begun to rise and the platform was empty. Harry should be used to the silence. It was his life after all. Sneaking around as quiet as a shadow. But this emptiness spoke of something worse to come. 

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