"I miss killing people."

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The Slytherin common room was warm, surprisingly. 

A large room tinted green from the windows showing a glimpse of the lake they were beneath. Flickering orange illuminated part of the room, the crackling of a large fire mixing with quiet lapping of water to create a calm ambience. As soon as Harry stepped inside after saying the password, (Purity) he felt instantly at home, and some of the homesickness he had been wallowing in drifted away. 

Everyone had apparently gone to bed, and only six students remained lounged on the leather couches and chairs. Draco and his little 'gang'; Harry smirked at the word. He could feel their eyes following him as he took a seat close to the fire and crossed his legs, sinking low into the chair and staring back at them. 

They were a strange bunch Harry had to admit. 

Draco watching him with his grey eyes, slightly uncertain, but feigning confidence, the fire light bouncing off his hair. 

There were the two thuggish boys, Vincent and Greg if Harry remembered. There wasn't much going on behind their eyes, not many thoughts in their heads. He smiled slightly, thinking how predictable Draco was, having 'bodyguards'. 

The girl, Pansy, stared at him with a cold smile. She would appear completely at ease if it wasn't for her foot bouncing anxiously up and down. 

The Italian boy, Blaise, stared at Harry with humour in his dark eyes, he was the type of person to be constantly on the verge of laughter, you could see it in his mouth, in the corner of his eyes. 

And the Nott boy, Theo, sat perched on the edge of his seat, looking like a bird ready to take flight the very second danger was sensed. Perhaps influenced by the boy's father. 

A few more moments of silence passed before Harry spoke. 

"My Father's name is Tom Riddle."

There was no reaction apart from confused faces and furrowed brows. Draco, of course, only smiled knowingly at Harry. 

"You all know him as Lord Voldemort." 

At once gasps filled the room. Pansy's grin didn't falter one bit, if anything it got wider. Theo was staring at Harry in horror. 

"Why are you all looking so surprised, I told you in the carriage," Draco said, exasperated. 

Blaise laughed nervously, "You, Draco Malfoy, are a dirty liar at the best of times." 

Draco sneered at him, "You shut your mouth Zabini." 

"You look like him." 

Silence fell at the small voice. Theo was looking at Harry like he was a ghost, true fear in his eyes. 

"What are you mumbling Theo?" Pansy snapped, "Speak up for Merlin's sake." 

Theo cleared his throat, his eyes never leaving Harry's, "I said you look like him. Your faces are so similar."

"You've seen the Dark Lord?" Harry asked quietly. 

Theo nodded, "Only a few times, when he came to see my father." 

Harry nodded slowly, "It was a blood adoption." 

A sharp intake of breath came from Draco, obviously not expecting Harry to be so honest. 

"So you really are a Potter?" Pansy asked snarkily, "You aren't really his son at all are you?"

Harry stared at the confident girl for a moment, watching her expression morph from a superior sneer to unease. 

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