Suspicious James

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"Go with the black. Green looks stupid on you."

Harry raised an eyebrow, taking off the green robes and throwing them on top of Draco, who was lounging on his bed, looking at Harry in a position that just had to be uncomfortable.

"Green goes with my eyes, you always say," Harry said, fishing plain black robes out of his trunk.

Draco snorted, "I don't know what I was thinking; green does nothing for you. Maybe I was lying."

Harry was not nervous, and that was the absolute truth. In fact, the Potters are the ones who should be nervous. He was a murderer for Merlin's sake, a trained killer. A dinner invite from Lily Potter should not make him feel on edge.

And it didn't.

It made him feel fucking annoyed.

Just a few weeks and he would be rid of them forever, and he could've gone his whole life without ever sitting down and eating with James and Lily. But he couldn't've said no, he might have been free to walk around, but that didn't make him any less of a prisoner.

With the black robes on, Harry frowned, "I don't know why I'm even going to the trouble. It's not as if they're going to be wearing robes."

Draco sat up, looking offended, "Don't throw away your upbringing for a few blood traitors and mudbloods. You're the Dark Lord's heir for Merlin's sake!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up, "I'm not going to let you show up to a dinner invite looking like you've just stepped off the street."

Harry rolled his eyes, "You astound me with how overbearing you can be."

Draco stuck his nose in the air, not phased one bit, "And do something with your hair. It looks like shit."

Harry laughed, walking to the bathroom, "How eloquent Draco!" he called.

"Yes, well, I'm not as stuck up as you may like to believe," Draco said, appearing at the bathroom door.

Harry started brushing his hair, and although the blood adoption had made it more manageable, it couldn't quite rid Harry of the curse of the Potter hair.

"You realise the amount of times you've dobbed me in to Father?" Harry asked.

"Only when you could've died!" Draco spluttered.

Harry shook his head, "Technicalities."

He walked out of the bathroom, Draco trailing behind him.

"I'll have you know-"

Harry turned, cutting him off, "Did you see Theo today?"

"I don't watch him as carefully as some people," Draco said.

Harry sighed, "He wasn't sitting with his friends when I met him at lunch, and I caught him sitting at a different table in the library." He grinned, "I think they've had a little falling out."

Draco just stared at him, "Are we happy? Are we excited? What does this mean?"


"We're both, Draco. Try and keep up."

Draco only rolled his eyes.

"Without his friends to be concerned," Harry continued, "I'll have him on our side by Yule."

And then he'd join Harry when he escaped Hogwarts, and if everything went to plan he'd never look back.


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