An intervention: Sirius Black

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There were three things that Sirius was absolutely sure of when he stepped into Hogwarts, Auror uniform on, boots polished, and eyes sharp. One, Harry Potter was currently attending Hogwarts to keep Voldemort from snatching him away again. Two, his Godson Theo was also attending Hogwarts, and three, James was at the school to keep an eye on Harry.

By the time he left Hogwarts, Sirius would be sure of three new things. One, Harry Potter was beyond saving. Two, Lucius Malfoy's son was proving to be a problem. And three, there was something very wrong with Theo.


Sirius knocked on the door to Lily's (and James', temporary) quarters. The wooden door opened slowly, and James stuck his head out, throwing open the door all the way once he realised who had knocked.

"Sirius!" he exclaimed, embracing his friend tightly, "What're you doing here?"

Sirius patted James on the back as he let go, "Talk inside?"

James nodded, "Yeah of course. Come in."

The room was small, but managed to fit everything that a bedroom required. A small desk sat next to a double bed, stacked high with Lily's work, some of it already graded. A small window displayed an impressive view of the quidditch pitch, which Sirius was sure James appreciated. A door was opposite the bed, which Sirius was sure led to the bathroom.

"Sit, sit," James said, sinking comfortably onto the bed.

Sirius swivelled the chair at the desk around and sat down, crossing one leg over the other. "You don't know why I'm here?" Sirius asked.

James shook his head, "I haven't heard anything from the Auror office. Is it about Harry?"

"They sent me to check how he's settling in," Sirius said, "Y'know, how he's taken to the other kids and all that."

Sirius winced as James frowned, "Isn't that what I'm doing though?"

Sirius tried for a careful approach, "They think that because of your... relationship with Harry, you might overlook details."

James pursed his lips, "Yeah. Fine, yeah I get what you mean."

"Look mate, it's not that they don't trust you-"

"It's fine Sirius," James said, "Really."

Sirius Black was not a stupid man. He was, however, a man who knew his friends, and he could tell that it wasn't fine. But he also knew when to stop pushing.

Most of the time.

"I just have a few questions about Harry, and any observations you've made," Sirius said, knowing James couldn't refuse good old company policy. "Have you seen him interacting with any students who could potentially help him get out? Or their parents could help him get back to Voldemort?"

"Well, he is in Slytherin-"

Ah, Harry's sorting. Sirius had heard about it, and knew that James would've been upset. A Potter in Slytherin? It was unheard of. But then again, Harry wasn't all a Potter... not anymore at least.

"-he sits with that lot at meals," James continued. "Zabini, Parkinson, Nott, Malfoy-"

"Malfoy?" Sirius pressed.

James nodded, "Yeah. Harry and Lucius' boy Draco are close. They sit with each other in classes, and I've seen them talking in the common room." He paused, running a hand over his face, "Sirius, do you think it's possible that they know each other?"

Sirius frowned, "As in..."

"As in they knew each other outside of Hogwarts."

"It's possible," Sirius said, "Lucius is suspected to be very involved with You-Know-Who."

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