Tom Riddle's good news

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The ministry cell was grey. 

The floors were grey, as were the walls and the bars that Harry could barely fit his arm through. The place smelt of hopelessness and anger, as well as the sharp scent of cleaning spells, recent ones. There was a small bed attached to the wall on the left side of the cell, and Theo hadn't moved from it since he sat down, staring at the grey cement floor silently. 

Harry stood at the door, gazing through the bars with a grin on his face. His Father could wave his hand and the bars would be dust, he could wave his hand and James Potter could be dust as well. A pile on the floor to be swept under a carpet somewhere. Swept somewhere to be forgotten forever. 

His wrists itched where the cuffs were. Silver things around each of his wrists like bracelets, except normal bracelets didn't supress your magic. He could feel the absence of his magic the longer they stayed in the cell. The whole room felt hollow, and it was beginning to grate on him. 

Theo hadn't particularly expressed his thoughts at all since the door shut, not even when his own Father snapped the cuffs around his wrists. 

"It's only a precaution Theo," James had murmered, cupping his son's face, dropping his hand quickly when Theo scowled and jerked his face away. 

"The trial will be soon," James had said once the door was closed. 

Harry smirked, "Thank you so much for letting us know. Bye now." 

James glared at him, "I was talking to my son, you little parasite." 

"So quick to have a change of heart," Harry said, narrowing his eyes. 

"I should've thrown you in Azkaban the minute we found you." 

"Why throw me in Azkaban when you could've killed me?" Harry asked, "Wait, you almost did." 

James' nostrils flared, and he clenched his fists, "Should've finished what I started." 

"Please can you just go?" Theo said, finally speaking up. 

Harry watched as James looked at his son, pursing his lips together before nodding once, turning on his heel and walking away swiftly, not looking back. 

Theo hadn't talked since. 

"We're lucky they didn't put us on the lower levels," Harry said calmly, not looking at the boy, "I imagine the conditions worsen the lower down you go." 


Not even a grunt of acknowledgment. 

Harry sighed and turned around, frowning when he saw tears dripping down Theo's nose and onto the floor. He walked to the boy and crouched down in front of him, discomfort settling in his chest as he cleared his throat. 


The boy didn't look up. Another tear dripped onto the floor. 

"I... apologise for getting us into this uh- situation," Harry said slowly, choosing his words more carefully than he ever had before. "I didn't mean for James to find out, and I definitely didn't mean for us to get thrown in jail, but I swear that it's actually better than it seems-" 

Theo sniffed, and dipped his head lower. 

Harry squeezed his eyes shut, wishing for one moment that his father had taught him how to comfort teenagers instead of cast killing curses. 

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