The Sorting

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It was strange to be on the Hogwarts express. 

Draco had described it so many times Harry almost thought of its plush seats and wooden window panes as familiar, as if he'd seen them before. He hadn't of course, his father had never even entertained the thought of sending Harry to Hogwarts. Dumbledore surely would've seen through any façade that was thought of. As much as his father hated to admit it, Dumbledore was brilliant; scarily so. 

Draco was all fine edges and hard lines sitting across from Harry. His pointy chin and piercing grey eyes angled towards the foggy windows that captured a fuzzy landscape of forest green. It was raining outside, droplets running down the window slowly. Harry propped his elbows on his knees, hanging his head towards the floor. He felt naked without his mask, like all his secrets were out in the open. He would have to remember to control his expressions if he was to survive this. His mask had to be perfect, absolutely perfect. 

"How soon can you get a message to your father?" Harry asked suddenly, his head rising to meet Draco's eyes. 

Draco's mouth tightened, "I won't be able to send a letter without Dumbledore intercepting it..." he trailed off. 

Harry raised his eyebrows expectantly, "But?" 

"But I can tell him in person at Christmas." 

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "That's four months from now." 

"I know that," Draco said, "Don't you think I know that?" 

Harry's eyes pierced into Draco's, narrowing dangerously. 

"Don't forget your place Draco. I am capable of being just as harsh as the Dark Lord-"

At that moment, the compartment door flew open and Theo Potter poked his head inside hesitantly. Draco immediately wiped the terrified expression off his face and turned to Potter with a cool smirk. "Need something Potty?" he said. 

Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's pettiness before turning to Theo as well. The boy was looking between Draco and Harry suspiciously. 

"Well Potter?" Harry said, "Do you need something?" 

Theo flushed nervously, "I just wondered if you wanted to come meet my friends." 

"Who? The Weasels and that bushy haired mudblood?" Draco spat. 

At that, Theo took a threatening step into the compartment. Harry was standing in a flash, his wand out and pointed against the young Potter's throat. Harry leant forward until his face was inches from Theo's. Theo, being shorter than Harry, looked up at his brother in terror. 

"As much as I would love to meet your friends," Harry began, his voice positively dripping with sarcasm, "Draco and I were having a rather important conversation." 

"What? A Death Eater meeting?" Theo shot back. 

Harry smirked, amused by the boy's nerve. He pulled back slightly, twiddling his wand between his fingers. "As it just so happens, we were." 

Harry laughed as Theo's eyes widened comically. 

"We were just discussing how we should kill everyone on this train, starting with your delightful little friends," Harry teased, sitting back down, lounging on his seat. "Care to join us?" he asked softly. 

Theo took a sharp intake of breath, his eyes flitting over Draco, who was on the verge of laughter. Theo's eyes narrowed and he turned on his heel, muttering something under his breath before the compartment door slammed shut behind him. 

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