Chapter 46: plan

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Valentina is now soundly sleeping as I drive to a safe house far out of town and very hidden

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Valentina is now soundly sleeping as I drive to a safe house far out of town and very hidden. I have tracking chips placed in Cameron and my mom, but as soon as I activate them they will make a loud sound before going quiet. As soon as I have Val asleep and in bed in a house with my top guy I will turn the trackers on and get to where they are as fast as I can.

As I drive, her telling me that I didn't care about Ella plays like a loop in my mind. I know she's hormonal and didn't mean it, hell she even told me she didnt mean it but it still hurt to hear her say that. I love Valentina with everything I have but what she said hurt me in ways I can't explain.

I drive for hors with my thoughts until we pull up a driveway and to a house that is surrounded by trees, basically a forest. You can't see them but I know there are guards surrounding the house hiding in the forest. I get out of the car and move to Valentinas side, I take her out of the car, into the house and I take her upstairs where I place her on our bed. I go back down stairs and call jacob, he answers on the first ring but before i can say anything jacobs speaks.

"Kade, I heard what happened and I'm already tracking them down. Of course I could activate Camerons tracker but they would let them know right away that we are onto them because it would beep for a good 3 minutes so we would have to move right away."

"I know have you gotten anything on their locations or the status of any of their conditions?" I ask, running my hand down my face.

"All I have is that they were covered in sut as they were separated and shoved into different cars."

"Do you think they separated and went to different places?" i ask even though that would be a dumb move on his part he dosent have enough men to gurd 4 different people.

"No, I think it was just for the drive. We lose them when they get on the freeway." Jacob says.

"Ok keep trying i'll call you back in a few hours" i say as i hang up.

I go through my phone until I find Evan and call him, he answers n the 4th ring

"What do you want?" he asks.

"I need people, by tomorrow" I say straight to the point.

"How many?" Evan asks.

"Lots" I say.

"Ok well be there tomorrow, what's the opp?"

"Rescue and kill, we are going after Ivan tomorrow."

"Ok" Evan says and then hangs up.

I let my phone fall to the floor and I hang my head with my hands on my forehead. I promised I would protect Ella when she was thrown into this world but I failed, I failed my most important job. How am I supposed to look at Ella when we get back here? Maybe it would be better if I sent them away, where they could be safe. I didn't realize I was crying until a tear ran down my face and onto the ground. I don't know how long I sit like this but I feel Val wrap her arms around me and rub my back as I cry into her chest.

"This isn't your fault" she tells me, but it is.

"Yes it is" i say

"No it's not you had no idea that Ivan would attack then." she says.

I push her away and stand up "if I had just left you alone and never dragged you back into this world then none of this would have happened."

"Don't say that and don't think that, Ella and I love you with everything we have and we will not go back to living without you." she says firmly as she's standing up as well.

"But you would be safer if you left me," I argue.

"Maybe before we came back into your life but your enemies know both of our faces, they would track us down and kill us in order to get to you." Val says with her voice slightly rising.

"Ok, ya your right" I sigh in defeat, I just want to protect my family and I don't know how too right now.

"I'm going to go make us some food" Val says heading into the kitchen to a fully stocked fridge, I had men stock the fridge before we got here.

I try to calm down and just focus on Val as she floats around the kitchen looking like an angel. Within a little while I have a plate of pasta in front of me. I eat it all quickly and thank val.i want to go and call jacob to make a plan on how to attack tomorrow and find out if we are any closer to finding them. I try to get up but val grabs my arm and forces me back into my seat.

"Take a deep breath" I follow her instructions and then try to leave again but she rushes in front of me to stop me.

"You're not going anywhere right now, you need sleep and to be rested before you make a plan to get everyone back ok?" She says it like it's a question but I know she leaves no room for argument.

"Fine" I grumble as she leads me upstairs.

We both go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. Once we are in bed I wrap my arm around vals waist and wait until she falls asleep. Once she falls asleep I will get all my available men rounded up and if we don't have a psavive ID yet we will activate Cameron's tracker and get to them as fast as we can.

It doesn't take long for Val to fall asleep, her boddie must be drained from what's happening. I slip out of bed and I send Jacob a text that he and everyone else can come in now. They were outside of the house working in order to not alarm or tell Val what we are planning, I want to keep her out of this as much as possible.

Carlo, Jacob, Lorenzo, Elijah, and Evan walk in with a few lower soldiers following them. I extend my hand to evan and he shakes it "thank you for holding up on your end" i say.

"Of course," Evan says.

"Ok this is what i got." Jacob says as he sets up his computer. "I could tell you the general vicinity they are in but we have no way to tell what building, and in the visanty i narrowed it down to 15 possible buildings.

"Ok we will have to activate the tracker but before we do i want the plan down and everyone in cars and driving out." i say.

"Ok so what's the plan then?" Elijah asks.

"Ok half of us go in through the front and half from the back, we then split up, me, carlo, and lorenzo will take the basement while evan and elijah go upstairs. Once you see Ivan you don't hesitate to shoot and make sure you shoot to kill" I say.

"What about me?" Jacob asks.

"I want you here with val." I say looking him dead in the eyes.

"Alright." he says.

"Ok then let's get suited up and pack the cars" I say.

Everyone moves to put on a vest and load their guns, making sure to bring extra amo. We will take 20 cars that can fit about 30 people in one. By the time we are all suited up and in cars its 12 o'clock am. Me and Evan soldiers and mixed in cars so there's no chance of us turning on each other randomly. Once we pull out of the driveway i activate camerons tracker, it takes about 2 minutes to get a lock and once we have it we speed until we get to the location. I'm ready to save my family.


Word count: 1368
TikTok: classy_scorpio
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