23 - It Doesn't Matter

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- 3rd Person PoV -

Sieun nervously stands in front of Minister Sim. She feared that this would happen, actually she felt this exact moment was bound to happen. Even though the palace is filled with court maids, only a select few wear a different colored hanbok signifying their rank, Sieun is one of them.

Minister Sim thought she recognized her from somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Observing her a bit longer, he realizes she's just not a regular court lady...

"You're the head court maid for the Crown Princess, correct?" He raises his eyebrows knowing that he's right.

Sieun nods slowly with her heart about to burst. He knows exactly who she is.

"How ever do you have time to make my son's robe when you're by the princess's side?" He questions with a smirk. His actual question lies on why would this court lady be out of her uniform when meeting a lord?

Sieun starts to stammer as she tries to find a reasonable excuse on the matter. If she continues to look antsy, she's going to blow her cover.

That's when a lightbulb dings in Minister Sim's head, "The princess sent you!"

"Huh?" Sieun looks at him dumbfounded.

Minister Sim smiles brightly at the thought of the princess possibly giving his son special treatment. This whole time he thought Councilor Yang had it in the bag. Maybe he was wrong after all.

"Send the princess our kindest regards," he slightly bows. 

Sieun hesitantly bows not too sure what he was getting at.

"Oh, put in a good word for Jaeyun," Minister Sim requests before taking his leave.

That's when she realizes what he had meant. Another reality check placed on Sieun.

Not even Minister Sim would have thought that a mere court maid was trying to pursue a nobleman... 

She sighs, "Of course not."


The next morning

- Yeona PoV - 

Have you ever felt sunk in just by staring into someone's eyes? I have... looking into his makes it seem as though time has stopped. Falling deeper and deeper as I play with his fluffy hair.

 I can stay like this forever.

"What are you thinking about?" He softy questions pulling me closer to him.

"You," I smile softly.

Spending the night with Jungwon was like sleeping with a teddy bear. Soft, cuddly, and warm... being by his side is nicer than I've ever imagined.

Traditionally, King and Queens have their separate quarters. The times they only sleep together is to produce a heir. The thought of it makes me hurl. 

I'm going to have to find a way to leave Jungwon's chambers secretly since the palace will think beyond one's imagination, plus...

The suitor ceremony is yet to come.

"I should go," I say placing one last kiss on his nose.

He pulls me in closer to him, but doing so causes him to groan out of pain.

"Ah.." he lets out wincing.

"Get some more rest, don't continue to hurt yourself," I giggle before trying to get up.

He pulls me back down, jailing me in with his arms, "You're not going anywhere."

"I have to go get ready for the rehearsals," I say.

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