26 - Losing You

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- 3rd Person PoV -

Jaeyun covers Sieun with a black hood so that no one can recognize her when they leave the palace. He plans to take her into hiding in one of the Sim's quarters in another town. 

A new life, is what he proposes. 

It all seems like a dream to Sieun, but her heart somewhat tugs at her to stay.

What about Yeona? To just suddenly leave? They've been together for 10 years. She's her entire family. 

She can't just leave her side especially when she just learned about Queen Yue's existence. Sieun doesn't know what Yeona is going to do next.

Thinking about Yeona makes her think about the rest of the palace. How would the rest of the court maids react? And Jongseong? Oh! Lord Jongseong!

"It's been awhile since Lord Jongseong left," Sieun informs in a slight panic. She has expected him to be back already.

"Oh, my bro?" Jaeyun beams. "Where did he head off to?"

Sieun gulps, feeling conflicted to answer that question. Not too many people know about Jungwon's and Jongseong's plot. Would it be dangerous to fill Jaeyun in?

Looking at his silly smile, Sieun feels that Jaeyun would panic at the word death, but what can she really do when Jongseong could be in danger?

"He's at Councilor Yang's office," she finally answers.

Jaeyun smile slowly fades, "Why?" 

The ministers' sons grew up together. They always visited each other's homes meaning that Jaeyun and the rest of the guys knew Councilor Yang very well. 

They all knew the weird tension between the Councilor and Jungwon, but they never said anything. They just suspected them to have a different father and son dynamic, even though they could all see that Councilor Yang is a different breed.

Inside, they all feared him. He has a dark, cold aura about him. It makes people feel instantly uneasy.

Councilor Yang's fake smiles and fake bubbly personality could only take him so far, because really, everyone feels the darkness radiating from him.

"I'll explain later!" Sieun grabs his arm.

They hurry to his office. If Sieun's theory is right, Jongseong could really be in trouble.

Though she's always paranoid, it could come in handy at times like this one.

Rushing down the hallway, they see a dark figure carry out a body out of Councilor Yang's office.

"Who goes there!" Shouts Jaeyun making the figure drop the body and make a run for it.

Sieun and Jaeyun exchange a look before bolting towards the body.

Sieun's theory proves to be true.

"My Lord!" Sieun screeches as she falls to her knees next to him.

A bloody Jongseong lays before them.

Barely breathing... barely living... he stammers as his hand clutches his stomach where Councilor Yang stabbed him.

"B-Bro..." Jaeyun softly stutters out in shock. He sits on his knees next to Jongseong, with his shaky hands hovering over him.

He's never seen anything like this.

"Stay with us!" Cries Sieun as she then rips the bottom of her hood. "Jaeyun-ah, help me sit him up. I must apply pressure on the wound!"

Jaeyun does so as cautiously as he can. He can't seem to blink as he's frightened from the sight of the blood gushing out of Jongseong's body.

Jongseong places his hand on Sieun's shoulder, "B-Book..."

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