Chapter 22

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I am currently standing behind mum as she takes photographs of Dustin in his Halloween costume before he goes to school

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I am currently standing behind mum as she takes photographs of Dustin in his Halloween costume before he goes to school. Him and his friends are dressing up as the Ghost-Busters group. A little too on the nose I think but they don't care. "Oh!" Mum cries out in proudness "I want to see those pearls." Dustin flashes a smile and holds up his proton pack. She finishes taking photos and I go over to my brother, messing up his hair "looking good bro."

He bats me away with a frown "seriously Lori? It took me ages to do my hair." He says and I snort, stepping back. "Really?" I ask folding my arms "it looks like you didn't even brush it." He tries to hit me and fails making me laugh. A car outside honks it's horn and I race for the door "see you later Dustin." I call out not waiting for a reply. I jump into the passengers side of Steve's car and he turns around in surprise.

"A monster chasing you I don't know about?" he asks and my mind flashes images of Dart, Dustin's new pet. I shrug as I shut the car do "I dunno, does my brother count." He snorts and we make our way to school.


After school I go home and take out the box from underneath my bed. I place it on top and take a shaky breath. I slowly open it and peer inside. This has all of my memories from Heaven Academy, the only ones I could bring on such a short notice.

I take out the photographs first. There are 5 in total. The first is in my first week, I made friends with the girls in my dorm. Kathy, Millie and Lauren. We are all sprawled out across the sofa, Richard took the photo. I feel something bitter in the back of my throat. The second photo is me and Richard, he is holding me close to him and we are staring at each other intensely.

That was at an annual fire party in the woods surrounding the Academy. The next one is of me and Lauren, naturally bottles upon bottles of alcohol on the table in front of us, we look so happy despite everything we were going through. I can't stomach anymore so I pack them away and put the box back under my bed.

I hate that I miss it, that place destroyed me both mentally and physically. They changed who I was and who I was going to be. They turned me into a monster, a killing machine. Yet a part of me yearns to go back.

I rub my eyes before going and getting ready for this party.


I get the party and scan the crowd for anyone I know, of course I know most people. You would when you live in a small town but I can't find anyone I actually talk to. I hear people cheering outside and decide to join them.

Out in the cold, October air Billy Hargrove is standing on his hands while drinking from a pipe. "Thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two!" The crowd shouts out enthusiastically before he stands back up properly and everyone starts cheering him. I slowly clap my hands as I make my way towards him.

"That's impressive, new kid." I muse casually, Billy wipes his face and looks down at me. He tilts his head and smirks "why don't you look gorgeous tonight." He says as everyone finds something else to be entertained by. I smile and he asks "dressed up for anyone in particular?" I shake my head and cross my arms casually "only for myself. Why? Hoping it would be you?" He chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him and he walks us back inside.

Billy spots someone and guides me over to them. "We got ourselves a new Keg King Harrington" He shouts over the loud music and my heart almost stops in my chest. Steve is standing against a wall, sunglasses on and looking effortlessly amazing while Nancy is standing next to him looking a little on edge. He takes off his glasses, eyes not meeting mine and Nancy walks off. Billy holds me closer still as though trying to prove something to Steve, who's eyes are flicking between the two of us.

"You good Lori?" Steve asks me and I nod, smiling brightly and trying to ignore the tension in the room "I am perfect." he nods, eyeing Billy's arm around my waist. He moves on and I step out of Billy's arms "ok what was that?" I ask the blonde. He looks around confused "what was what?" he asks and I roll my arms "the arm around my waist, the holding me close. What was that for?" Billy shrugs, his eyes wandering to the crowd around us. "You like Harrington, I thought I would try and make him jealous for you." Billy answers simply. My face starts going red and I step back "I don't like him and even if I did, I don't need your help." Billy scoffs before giving me a playful smile "whatever you say sweetheart."

I move away from him and towards me friends just in time to see Nancy walk away. "What's up with her?" I ask as I come along side Steve, he looks over at me briefly and sighs dramatically. "Nance still feels guilt for what happened to Barbara and thinks we should tell her parents what really happened." My eyes widen as Steve explains it to me. I grab a solo cup and pour myself a drink "but she knows you can't do that right?" I ask lowly so no one can hear us "you could get killed."

Steve nods and rests his hand on the counter behind me "yeah, honestly she isn't taking this very well." I sigh, I feel bad for Nancy. I do but she needs to realise that greater things are at stake if she tells Barb's parents. Her life as well as theirs could be in danger. Steve nudges my shoulder "who you supposed to be anyway?" he asks eyeing my costume, I smile and flick my hair from my face "black widow. Obviously." In truth I panicked and threw on my outfit curtsey of the Academy but it works well for Black Widow. Steve scoffs and leans back "you are such a nerd."

I roll my eyes and move so I stand in front of him "my brother is big into super heros and I used to read the comics with him when he was little." Steve nods and looks at me with a soft expression. Heat rushes to my face "what?" I ask and he stands up. At his full height Steve Harrington towers over me. He holds out his hand. "Wanna dance?" I smile and take it, letting him lead me away from the kitchen.


I feel a headache coming on and wince slightly "hey." Steve says clutching my arm as I loose my balance slightly "you alright?" I nod, wincing and rubbing my forehead. "Yeah." I say gently "I just need to get some fresh air." Steve moves to lead me outside when someone appears on my other side.

"I got this Harrington." It's Billy, he grabs a hold of my arm. Steve gives him a nasty look "no its fine, I've got her." he says, Billy tries to hide his smirk as he tips his head and says "I would be paying more attention to my girlfriend if I were you Harrington." We all turn around and see Nancy down cup after cup of drink. Steve curses under his breath and moves towards here. "I got you sweetheart." Billy says soothingly as he guides me through the packed house.

We get outside and I take a deep breath, as though this is the first time I have gotten air in months. I all but collapse onto the front steps and lean forward so me head is in-between my knees, the world starts spinning. "How much did you have to drink?"Billy asks sitting down next to me, I let out a shaky breath "half a cup." I answer although I know it isn't that. The new boy chuckles and starts rubbing my back comfortingly "damn girl." he says "I didn't know you were a light weight." I punch him lightly in the arm, I don't have enough energy for anything else. He then looks over at me with concern.

"Want me to take you home?" Billy asks gently and I hesitate. I clear my throat and turn to face him "why are you being nice?" I ask "you are an asshole to everyone else." I've noticed the way that he treats everyone else, but whenever he speaks to me it is always with a kind of softness that no one else sees. Billy sucks in a deep breath "well, maybe I want one friend if I am going to be staying here for a while." I tilt my head and stare over at him "just one?" I ask and he nods, looking away.

I feel like Billy and Lori will have such a cute friendship I love them both together already.

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