Chapter 62

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We reach Max's therapist's house and wait as she goes inside

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We reach Max's therapist's house and wait as she goes inside. This breaks several ethical codes, looking at other patients' files but honestly, they are already dead and we are trying to figure out what made them so special to be targeted by Vecna. "Okay, she's in." Steve points out once the front door closes behind the red-haired girl "I'm missing collarbones, not eyes." Dustin says from the passenger seat and I snort. Over the past year, my brother has become particularly sassy and I would be lying if I said I didn't find it entertaining. "So, are we gonna talk about it?" I ask finally ready to broach the subject that has been bothering me since we left the trailer park.

Steve turns around to look at me in the backseat "Huh?" He says having not paid attention "Sorry, talk about what?" I raise an eyebrow and give him a look I know he has seen from my brother plenty of times. "Your temporary insanity earlier today. When you basically threw yourself at Nance." My brother muses, copying my facial expression. Steve goes red and his eyes immediately find my own although I say nothing, waiting to hear what he has to say "That's not what happened." He starts. I scrunch up my nose and tilt my head to the aide "Pretty sure that's what happened." I retort simply and his face gets even redder. "It was pretty public." Dustin says "There were a lot of witnesses, including your girlfriend." I wave, smiling and I can see Steve wishing death upon himself.

"Are you two implying I still have a thing for Nance?" He asks and I shrug, raising my hands in mock surrender "You said it, buddy." That is my response. "We are stating." I add "It's okay to admit it, Steve, she was your first girlfriend. It's hard to get over your firsts." Steve stares at me for a moment, unsure of what to say before he asks "Do you still have feelings for your first boyfriend?" I scoff and lean back in my seat before answering "My first boyfriend was a raging psychopath who tried to kill me." And the topic of conversation is dropped. Steve can't seem to let it go however as he still defends himself "And as for Nance, I was just trying to protect a friend. A friend, Henderson okay? Don't want to find her with her eyes sucked out of her skull by this Vecna creep."

Dustin chuckles and I lean forward "You're bright red in the face right now." I tease, a smile dancing along my features. Steve waves me off "I'm not." He insists "I don't want to talk about it." He then turns to my brother. "I'll punch you so hard your teeth will fall back out." He threatens and my brother's smile drops "Woah." He says "Too far." The colour drains from Steve's face and he looks upset "It was I'm sorry." Dustin shrugs innocently "It's okay." I shake my head and sit back again. Boys.

"Here she comes," I say as Max comes speeding towards the car. She climbs into the back seat next to me and shuts the door. "What'd she say?" Dustin asks and Max just sighs "Nothing, just drive." Steve frowns and repeats "Nothing?" I roll my eyes and snap "Steve drive!" And he does as instructed.


We reach the High school as darkness descends on Hawkings. As we enter the school, Robin speaks on the radio "Lori, do you copy?" I pick up the radio and answer "Yeah, I copy." There is pause and crackling before we hear her again "So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a total bullseye." My eyes widen at the sound of how long this Vecna has been killing people. "Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now." I reply into the radio and Robin asks "Wait, what are you doing?" Steve shines the flashlight in front of us as me, he and Dustin walk down the deserted hallway.

"Breaking and entering school to retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files." There is lots of static and I am unsure of whether Robin heard me. "Can you repeat that?" She asks confirming my suspicions, I roll my eyes before replying "Just get your ass over here, stat. We'll explain everything." And the radio goes silent. We reach the councillors office and I pick the lock, letting the door swing open. "You're so hot." I hear Steve whisper, I smile and wink back at him as Dustin wrinkles his nose "Ew, that's my sister dude." Steve just shrugs and follows me and Max into the office.

Max and I look in the cabinets while the boys talk behind us until Max nudges me and shows me Chrissy's file. "Holy shit." I say as I find something in my own draw "did you find it?" Steve asks pointing the torch in our direction. I nod my head "Yeah, but not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing the councillor too." I explain what I found, bringing out the other file. We all pause for a moment knowing what that means. Vecna is targeting troubled teens, and I wonder if Max will be next. Max sits down to read the files and we stand behind her but it seems as though she has gone into a trance half way through and we start calling her name to help her. What is happening to her?

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