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"Take care of yourself." She gives me a sad smile. A tear falling down her face.

"No! No! No! Evelyn, dear, please wake up!" I scream.

My eyes snap open, my chest moving up and down. I take deep breaths, unable to breathe properly.

I touch my face, I was covered in a cold sweat.

I look at my hands, they were shaking profusely.

With my heart pounding, I look around the dimly lit room. I spot Henry and see that he was soundly sleeping on the sofa.

For a moment I had forgotten that I was in his home, after I had been fired.

His house was smaller than mine. It had 1 room and a tiny kitchen, with a small living room and a toilet. But I didn't care about any of that, I was just really glad that he let me stay in his house.

I look at the clock on the bed side table, it was 4:10 AM. I put my feet on the floor and stand up. I quietly make my way towards the kitchen and get myself a glass of water.

I finish the water in 2 sips and set the glass on the counter.

I look at the ceiling, everyday now I get these nightmares, all about the same thing, the day my family died in that fire.

I can't do this anymore.

A tear falls down my cheek.

Then another one falls down my cheek. I put my face in my hands.

"I miss you, Mum. I miss you, Dad. I miss you, Evie," I whisper to myself.

"If you're listening to me, just know that I'm sorry, so incredibly sorry that I couldn't save you guys." I whisper again.

I sniff and wipe my tears off of my face and go back to bed.

I pull the blanket on top of me and close my eyes, hoping I don't wake up again and make it through the night.


I wake up to the sun shining through the window. I look at the clock, it was 1:45PM. I look at the sofa where Henry was sleeping, he wasn't there. Then I remembered that he still had to go to work and had probably left long back.

I get up and go to the toilet to freshen up. Once I was done, I go the kitchen and see that there's a note on the counter top,

"You were so peacefully sleeping, I didn't have it in me to wake you up. I made breakfast for myself before going to work, so I made some for you as well. Enjoy!"

- Your mate, Henry.

I smile at the note and look up to see that he had indeed made me breakfast.

He had made me coffee with two pieces of bread.

I dig into my breakfast and before I knew it, I was done with my breakfast.

Time passed so fast, not long after, Henry was home and we were just talking and laughing amongst ourselves.

It felt good to have someone, someone who I could distract myself with from all these nightmares and sadness.

"Thank you, Henry. You're an amazing friend. I'm so lucky I have you." I tell him.

"So am I, Edward and don't mention it. You're my friend. How could I not help you?" He smiles at me.


I wake up suddenly, my heart frantically beating as I take deep breaths.

It happened again. This was the third time this had happened this week. I put my hands in my hair, pulling on it out of frustration.

I couldn't take this any longer. This is too much. To be reminded about something I don't want to remember is so troublesome. I still haven't accepted the fact that they all are gone. Gone from my life.

And I don't know when I will be able to accept that fact.

I haven't told anyone about these nightmares. Not even Henry.

I put my hands behind my neck, intertwining them.

Tears well up in my eyes. It's all my fault. I should have been there. I should have been there to save them all. It's because of me that they're all gone. All because of me.

I blink my eyes a few times to get rid of the tears that were about to spill out and think to myself.

I can't do this any longer. I can't just sit here, in the very town and neighborhood my family died, without a job, without any money in my pocket and expect everything to be alright.

I need to find hope, I need to start a new life. Sitting here, all depressed from their deaths isn't giving me any benefit neither help me.

I know for sure, if my Evelyn was still alive, she wouldn't want me to be sitting here basically homeless, jobless and miserable.

Instead, she would want me to get up and start all over again.

And that's exactly what I'm about to do.

I get up and pack my bag of all the belongings I had left with me. I pack some tools I found in Henry's kitchen drawer and water.

As I put my hand on the front door handle, I remember something.

I grab a paper and a pen and start writing.

"Dear Henry,

By the time you wake up, I'll be somewhere far away from this town. It's impossible for me to live here any longer as every nook of this town is tied with memories of my family and I.
So I have decided to go. Go somewhere far from here. I don't know where I'll be heading towards exactly, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm very thankful for everything you provided for me. For providing me with a place to sleep, eat, drink and stay. I owe you big time. Thank you, my mate. I don't know when we'll see each other again, but just know I'm grateful for you.

- Love, your friend, Edward."

I set the pen down and exit through the front door.

Once I get out of the building, I see the dark sky with nothing but complete silence surrounding me. I put my bag on my shoulder and take a deep breath and begin my journey.

A/N: Hi! How are all of you doing? Hope you all like this chapter! Edward's story has only just begun. If you did like this chapter, please make sure to vote, comment and share! Enjoy!

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