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"How are you feeling, Edward?" Mr. Davis asks me, walking with his hands behind his back.

We were walking back from my home after I attended to my flock of sheeps and checked up on my little house.

It felt like that wasn't even my house anymore because I barely lived there.

Yes, I would visit my house twice a week but still, Mr. Davis's home started to feel more like home.

"I've been better." I tell him.

Although I was really happy I met Mr. Davis and he helped me become who I am right at this very moment.

There's no denying the fact that I miss home, home as in my town in London.

Living in the tiny flat with my small family. That was something I missed with every part of me.

The life I had before they passed away, the job I had, the friend I had.

No one and nothing could replace that bliss.

But I couldn't tell all of this to Mr. Davis. I couldn't hurt him like this. No, not after everything he'd helped me with.

That's why when he asked me what I meant by that and if everything was alright, I said, "Oh it's nothing, just a minor headache, that's all."

"Oh no, why didn't you tell me sooner? I would have gone to check up on your house and attended to your sheep on my own." He put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him, his eyes were filled with concern for me.

Even the littlest of pain worries him.

He cares for me so much.

Now I know I couldn't hurt him in any way possible.

"Mr. Davis, you worry too much. It's just a slight headache. A nap will make it all better. It's nothing."

"Are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm positive Let's just quickly head back home and have a nice cup of coffee."


I knock on Mr. Davis's room.

The room he lived in was now my room and he had turned his study room into a bedroom as well.

He was so generous.

"Come in." I hear Mr. Davis say.

I enter the room and he motions for me to sit on the bed.

I go sit on the bed while he looks through a file, his brows furrowed.

He had a very pensive look on his face.

He didn't look up until I coughed.

His attention diverted to me.

"Ah, sorry. I completely forgot you were here."

I laughed and said, "It's alright. Is everything okay? Why did you call me?"

"Everything is fine. Don't worry. I was just so focused on understanding your next mission." He looks back down on the file.

"My next mission? So soon? I just completed my first mission. You're trusting me with another task already?" I run a hand through my hair, getting nervous, for some odd reason.

"Edward, son, the fact that you always forget that I put my trust in you since the day I saw you is balmy. You're fit for this. You're were made for this. You can do it. And I'm here to help you, always."

I smile, "I don't forget. It's just that it's not a good thing to trust someone so quickly and blindly."

He laughs, "That's a strong suit. Well then, tell me, Edward, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

"Well, then, I guess that answers your statement, does it not?

I laugh, "okay, okay, it does. You're right. We both trust each other. I just didn't think you'd be setting me up for another mission so early. "

"Well, your thinking was wrong because I am setting you up for another mission."

I smile and ask, "Alright, alright. What's the mission about?

"Light bulbs."

"Light bulbs? What's that?"

That was one funny and peculiar sounding word.

"It's something Thomas Edison is working on. I don't know exactly what it is that he inventing but has something to do with light, obviously. He's our next target." He rests his back against his chair.

"Okay.. but how do you know what he's working on? You didn't know what Alexander was inventing." I furrow my eyebrows.

"I asked Arthur to go find out what his invention is about. I thought you knowing what Thomas Edison is working on will make it easier for you."

I nod. "Where is he located?"

"He's at present living in the US state, New Jersey." He tells me.

"So how do we do this? Same like last time?" I ask him.

Can't believe I was going on another mission again and so soon.

"Yes. You teleport to New Jersey and from there you teleport 10 years into the future. I don't want you wasting time by taking baby steps. Alright?"

"Got it. But Mr. Davis, are you going to come along with me? I ask him.

He gives me a small smile, "Edward, my son, you don't need me. You can do this on your own. You've done it once, you can do it again. You're a strong man. I believe in you."


"No buts. You're going alone and that's final. Even if you do need me, just remember all the tips I gave you and you'll be just fine." He stands up from his chair and starts walking out of the room, motioning me to follow him.

"Come on, let's go have lunch."

"Okay. Lets go."

A/N: Hello folks! Hope you all are doing great today! Fun fact about me, I actually don't like writing as much as I love uploading already written and completed chapters. I know, weird thing for an author to say but LOL anyways hope you all like this chapter and if you do don't forget to vote, comment and share! See ya!!!

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