10 | Proud That You're Mine

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"I can't wait for this month to end Ann! I'm so excited."

"Me too, but..."

Ann was in the 8th month of her pregnancy, but that didn't stop her from studying further. The doctors had given her the delivery date.

We had one more month until a new member arrives. Ann's excited too, but also a little scared about the delivery process.

"I know, don't worry it's a natural thing. Everything's gonna work out." I tried to ease her worries.

Soon after our graduation from college, Ann and Issac were married, they were indeed made for each other.

Uncle Gabriel Stewart and aunt Isabella Stewart, loved Anna from the start and were very happy about their son marrying her. His grandmother was another added bonus to the sweethearts that the family was.

"Hope so, thanks again Han," Anna said.

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

After Ann and Issac confessed their love for each other, we were all happy. Soon the day I dreaded came and Ann had to move in with her parents.

We made it a routine to stay at each other's during weekends. It was hard, but we got used to it gradually.

Our college life was nothing out of the blue, it was always me, Ann, Issac and Ryan. He entered college a year later than us and was into Commerce.

We four always hung around together and had fun in odd ways. Others found us fun and entertaining, but didn't make an effort to join in.

Well, that was not something new, after all 'always help but, never expect any from anyone' was our policy, I and Anna were used to it from our school days.

Issac wanted to do his master's, but it turned out that life had other plans for him. He had applied in many places for a research assistant's post just in case, as he wanted to learn before he gets into the research field. He got selected, but in a city far from home.

The research centre allowed him to take up the job as a part time one and complete his master's too.

He was stuck between the job offer and Ann, we all supported him and came up with their marriage as he'd already proposed her, so that they can move to the city together.

Just when I was about to begin my daily writing, Ryan came running all the way up to my room. Seeing that he still had his bag over his shoulder, he must have just reached home from college.

"Sis! Are you busy?"

I, Ann and Issac were in the fresher year of our master's and Ryan was in the final year of his bachelor's.

"What's it?"

"We need to talk!"

"Put that bag of yours away, sit and calm yourself down before we talk,"

He did as I said and after a few deep breaths he started to speak.


"Come on, talk already!"

"She suggested...we move in together!"

"Whoa, boy! And you?"

"I said I need time to clear up my thoughts and sort out my feelings,"

"Fair enough, so what's it then? Just do as you said you'd."

"God knows what she's thinking of me," Ryan groaned.

"Why? She has no right to judge someone, let alone you, if she does so, then I suggest you move on without her."

"That's harsh now,"

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