17 | You Are the One

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"Aww, look at those cheeks. Where are those now?" I pinched his cheeks.

"Oww, it hurts," He tried to back away.

"Hahaha...okay, okay, you're good to go. But they're cute, I can't get enough of them."

We were sitting on the edge of the bed in Johann's room, having the juice and eggs that we'd made. He picked out a photo album, which had his childhood recorded in it.

The one I was looking at now, was from his first birthday. He was cute wearing a black suit. His cheeks were chubby and pink, the tip of his nose was pink too.

Every time I saw that, I wanted to pinch him, so I did, again.

"Ow, ow, please,"

"Better luck next time, Caramello!" I laughed.


"Oops, didn't realise I gave you a nickname."

"Huh hmm, but why Caramel?"

"I love Caramel."

"I love you." He looked at me with soul piercing eyes.

"Love you too." I said and inched closer to him.

I'd never get used to how I felt whenever we shared a moment like this. Butterflies? No, flock of hummingbirds were inside my stomach.

And just like that, things got intense, but in a decent manner. No inappropriate touching, or something.

This might sound odd, but his presence always felt familiar. I've felt so right from when we'd met, like we've known each other for a long while now, yet it's all too new. It was at that moment I realised, he was the one for me.

My Johann. My Caramel. My boyfriend. My lover.

He suddenly stopped moving. Before I could comprehend what was happening, he brushed his thumb over my cheeks and I opened my eyes.

When I did, I saw concern written all over his face and I felt something on mine...tears? When did they happen to escape my eyes?

"Did I hurt you?" He whispered, I just shook my head. "Did I cross my limits?"

"No, I got a bit...okay, maybe a lot emotional, that's it."


"Was thinking about us. A few months ago, I was telling my best friend how I'm not gonna try finding my 'true love' because if it was true, it'd come to me even if I don't go search for it and now, here I'm..." I closed my eyes letting more tears escape.

He didn't say anything, but I felt him bending down to my face again.

He kissed my tears, first on the left, then on the right and whispered.

"And so I found you." He said, I opened my eyes. "You're everything to me and I promise to not break your heart, I want you to be happy always. If you choose to be happy with me, then I'm the luckiest man alive. I knew that the moment I saw you, but never thought I'd be your first. Seeing you on that motor for the first time did something to me, but me being me, thought your brother to be your boyfriend. Even after considering him to be your lover, I couldn't stop from looking at you. I know it's wrong to stare at someone else's girl, but I just couldn't. After talking to you when you came out of the restroom, a flicker of hope arose in my chest, so I followed you to the restaurant. I thought of entering and leaving after you did, to follow you home, but thought better of it and ended up staring at you from outside the glass doors. I couldn't sleep that night, it was weird, all I kept seeing when I closed my eyes were your pink lips, your white gold hair, your blue eyes...then I finally talked myself out of it saying that I might not see you ever again, until today at the college parking lot."

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