23 | You Never Did and Never Will

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"This isn't fair! Both of you will pay for this, I'm telling you guys!" I protested.

Ryan and Johann were holding me, ready to drop me in the ocean that they were standing into. Daddy was laughing from the shore along with mummy. However my protests fell to deaf ears and they started the countdown from 5.

That's it, if I'm going down then so are they! Johann was holding my hands from below my wrists while Ryan's hands were on my legs just above the ankles. They were busy with the countdown, I took the opportunity and wrapped my fingers around Johann's forearms. Ryan would get away this time, but I'll surely get back to him later.

Johann didn't notice what I was doing, 'cause the countdown had just came to an end and he was more than excited to notice anything other than dropping me into the salty water now.

"And now!" They both yelled and let go of me.

Once they did, I tightened my grip on Johann and pulled him along with me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He was surprised by my move and fell down on his back.

Ryan was laughing not far from him, so he extended his left foot and took Ryan by his right leg. He ended up falling into the water too.

"Man! We're a team!" My brother screamed, trying to stand up, rubbing his butt.

"Teammates don't laugh at each other," Johann replied.

"Weirdos," I laughed.

"Come on kids, go get some shower now and scrub that sand off of yourselves," Daddy yelled for us to hear.

As I tried to get up, my right forearm scraped against something. I shifted a bit, making sure that no one saw me do so. However I didn't need to look at my hand to say that there was a cut, the red coloured water around my arm proved it. Thank that the zone was shark free.

I ran my hand beneath the water and found a broken shell. It was thick and its broken edge a sharp one. I pulled it out of the sand as it was half buried in and sent it along with the waves, into the sea. Hopefully it hurts nobody else.

I got on my feet before the blood red water around my arm was noticed by the others and pulled down the sleeve of my T-shirt, covering the injury. The fabric was thick, so it'd give me some time to get to our room without being spotted.

Telling anyone isn't a problem, but they were having so much fun, I didn't want to ruin it. Walking away silently might attract attention too, so I decided to be my own self even though the pain was killing me, the salt from the water over the injury makes it worse.

"I need my shower more than anything now," I narrowed my eyes at daddy. "After that I'm getting back to you." He laughed and pinched my cheek. I smiled a bit and walked to our room.

I and Johann had given our finals and completed our master's during the first week of March, Ryan's first year of master's came to an end during the second week and so we decided to take a small vacation.

I wanted it to be with Ann and Issac too, but it turns out that their finals are scheduled till the end of March and Johann must start work from April. So Ann convinced me to take a family vacation, just me, my parents, my brother and my dear husband.

The hotel we were staying at was not far from the beach, you can walk to and forth anytime you wish. I and Johann were given a room and Ryan was staying in a suite with 2 rooms along with our parents.

I offered him the separate room, but he being his teasing self told me, that it was meant for us as we were 'just married'. Grinning idiot!

I got to our room and entered the bathroom. I folded my sleeve up to check on the injury. It started from over the elbow, from ulna to radius and was some 4 to 5 inches long. It was still bleeding, I wondered how deep the cut was.

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