14 | The Way I See it

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I got home by covering the 10 minutes walk in 5. When I did, I saw that there was blood in the living room near the couch, not too much but still, who didn't freak at the sight of it? Even if it was only for a second.

I rushed straight to the guest room, 'cause that's where the sounds of something being taken and kept were coming from.

"What happened here?" I asked.

"She tripped and hit her head on the corner of the table there." Daddy said.

"Where's Ryan?" I asked as I walked up to my unconscious mummy.

"Went to the gym, will return anytime now."

"You told him?"

"No, you know him," I sighed and nodded at his answer.

Daddy was trying to stop the bleeding, but was not succeeding.

"I'll take care of it, you go have the blood cleaned from there before he returns." He nodded and left.

He was a real mess in his panicked state, though I told him not to, he would and guess, Ryan got it from daddy. I got to work on the injury.

It wasn't a deep one, so there'd be no need for stitches. It was big, but not deep.

I pressed some gauze on the right side of her forehead, to where the injury was and applied pressure around it, to cut the blood circulation.

Bleeding stopped within a minute, so I cleaned and sterilized before covering it with a non woven gauze.

"How's it?" Daddy asked.

"Big, but not deep,"


"I smell Ethyl alcohol." Ryan was home.

"You cleaned it?" I whispered to daddy, he nodded. "We're in here Ryan." I yelled for him to hear.

"What happened!?" Was his immediate response as he entered the room. Daddy told him about the accident. "But, she's still unconscious."

"It's nothing to worry about," I assured him.

Later I had daddy carry mummy to their room and cleaned up the guest room, we all went and sat in the living room. Mummy woke up around 9 pm.


Daddy and Ryan went in, while I waited outside. They came out after 5 minutes and I went in.

"How are you feeling? Headache, or any other discomfort?"

"A little dizzy,"

"That's normal, now try to sleep, take painkillers only if needed." I smiled and stroked her hand gently before walking out for my room.

Once inside, I had my night's routine carried out and tried to sleep, but sure enough was not able to. Ann's words rang in my ears.

"What if the 'known writer' is him?"

There was no use getting into the bed early, it was clear I wasn't about to fall asleep before midnight.

I just lay there closing my eyes and my mind wandered off to the one whom I was thinking about earlier.

Eyes as grey as the early night, hair as blond as caramel, lips as pink as th___. I snapped my eyes open, cursing myself.

"Snap out of it Hanna! What's wrong with you!?!?" I said to myself.

Again there were Ann's words to add to my thinking,

"Now you know how I felt all those years back,"

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