13 | An All too New Feeling

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After the tournament, we all ate dinner at a restaurant and came back home around 10 pm.

I'd have gone to Ann's, to talk about what happened at the game, or more precisely 'after the game', but it was late and so I decided to do that tomorrow after college.

I took my night shower, brushed my teeth, put on my pyjamas and snuggled in my bed, with my pillow between my arms and chest.

I tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep! Every time I closed my eyes, I saw those pair of grey eyes. What the hell was wrong with me!?

I've seen him before, okay, not in person, but still! This is not healthy, it's just not!

I walked out of my room, downstairs to the kitchen to drink some water. When I did, I caught Ryan there.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" I asked him and poured myself some water.

"Huh...Yeah, what's with you?"

"Can't either, don't know why." That was a lie though. I can't possibly tell him that a pair of grey eyes were haunting me. "You got any reason?" I asked him. He gave me a look and I understood what was it about. Poor boy liked someone, but was scared after everything that happened with Sandra. "Now, will you let that b*tch control how you feel?"

"I'm just a bit scared. What if the same happens again?"

That day after having the talk with me, he was determined to end things with Sandra.

He went to her the very next day and said that he wanted to end things, as he felt off in that relationship.

The b*tch had the 'respect' to not keep him 'in the dark' and confessed that she was 'sorry', as she 'only' wanted some other guy that she liked, to get jealous.

"I'm to be blamed too,"

"You couldn't have known, the last you saw her, we were in our 5th grade." He consoled.

"Still... Anyway, who's the lucky one?"

"Lucky one?"

"Anyone to date my Kermit, is a lucky one." I smiled.

"This time, I hope she never gets slapped by my Lil' devil." He laughed.

"Oh, I didn't just slap her," I smirked.

"What did you do!?" His eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

"I might've taken her by hair and escorted her to her car before seating her in."

"Oh my god! You mean, after slapping her, you pulled her by hair all the way to her car and threw her in like a sack of potatoes?"

"You got it," I grinned.

"No wonder she's cut her hair and now goes to college with a driver!"

"Seriously? Serves her right," I shrugged my shoulders.

"And all she told me was that you just slapped her? You're dangerous, like really really dangerous." He smiled and hugged me.

"Today's really a day for our hugs, you know."

"Yeah, people must've thought us to be a couple back at the game," He chuckled.

"One actually said that to me," Sh*t! I really had no control over this mouth of mine today.



He pulled away and lifted my chin to look into my eyes.

"Liar," A broad smile covered his face.

"Seriously, it's nothing."

"All too new feelings, huh?" He was grinning, evilly. Stupid Kermit!

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