- two -

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An hour later, my dad finds a car park and pulls into a spot. We all get out of the car and start to make our way to the O2 arena. 

Of course we're nearly late. Trust British traffic to be a nightmare on the one day when I really don't want it to be.

"Come on, come on!" I beg as I usher my parents around the corner and to the doors of the arena, getting my phone out for the tickets. 

I show the security guard the tickets, he nods, and we make our way inside, up various flights of stairs until we reach the top floor. 

All I could get was seats at the back. I mean, Billie sold out within an hour, so I'm lucky to even have seats - I'll happily take the back. 

The arena is full, and I mean FULL. Just getting through to our seats was like navigating through a maze of people. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of sitting in the car and pushing through people, we made it to our seats. 

Just as I sat down, the lights flickered. 

This is it.

I swiftly glanced at my watch: 9pm. This really is it.

To be fair, I'd already watched so many of her concerts on YouTube that I knew what was going to happen. 

Either way, that didn't make it any less exciting.

"YOU MADE ME HATE THIS CITY" erupted around the arena and a picture of Billie appeared on the screen for a single second, before going blank again.

The lights got brighter and flickered faster. The instrumental of Oxytocin began to play. 

Shit. This really is it.

Finneas appeared, Andrew appeared. 

She's next.

Oxytocin continued and suddenly, the stage went completely white, the music stopped and she flew from beneath the stage, flying into the air before landing back on her feet.

Oxytocin continued and suddenly, the stage went completely white, the music stopped and she flew from beneath the stage, flying into the air before landing back on her feet

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"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs! 

There she is. There she is.

The lights turned red. Bury A Friend started to play, and she jumped to the beat, waving her hands in the air as we all screamed. 

I have never felt so much euphoria in my life. Tears were streaming down my face.

Why am I crying? I don't even know and I don't really care. 

I stared and sung along in awe as Billie performed. 

She made the stage her own. She owned us. She could ask anything right now and the whole arena would do it for her. She holds all the power.

I Didn't Change My Number.

Therefore I Am.


Then the sound of Oxytocin filled the arena again. 

I didn't even care that my parents were next to me, I screamed all of the words along with her. That was until the middle of the song.

Billie laid the microphone on the stage and got on her knees, slowly lowering her body to the stage, practically grinding. 

Oh my god.

She continued, slow and confident.

Oh my god.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I want to be down there. I want to be with her.

She got back up, her face lighting up the screen, and continued to sing.

I wanted to sing along, but no sound came out of my mouth. 

She was so alluring, she was so beautiful.

I turned to my mum, my face bright red, and she was just sat on her phone. 

Good, she didn't see that. I hope she didn't see me.

Billie Bossa Nova.


Your Power.

Billie disappeared from the stage. I stood in confusion. Surely this isn't the end yet.

All of a sudden, people below me started to scream.

I leaned over the balcony and there she was, 20 feet underneath me.

I thought back to the YouTube videos I'd watched.

She's got the crane? She can't be getting on the crane?


Billie waved and jogged to the crane, just underneath me. She jumped onto the platform and bellyache began to play as her team raised her into the air.

 She jumped onto the platform and bellyache began to play as her team raised her into the air

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 I placed my hands in my hoodie pocket, feeling the edges of the envelope.

If I'm going to make a break for it, now's the time.

The crane lifted Billie high up into the air, level with the seats right at the back. It swung her around in front of everyone, and she was only moments away from being right in front of me.

My heart began to pound again. I just stared as she sang and smiled as she moved past everyone. 

Every second, she was moving closer and closer to me. 

I have to do it. I have to do it now.

I didn't say a word, I just flung the envelope over the balcony and it miraculously hit her foot.

She grasped the envelope in her hand and her eyes caught mine.

Her ocean eyes were staring right at me, and she smiled whilst continuing to sing, the crane slowly moving her away.

Once again, I was speechless. 

Suddenly, my mum clutched my arm and pulled me towards her.

"What was that Y/n?" she asked.

"It was just a letter. I wanted to say thanks for writing music." I replied.

Of course that isn't a lie, but it's not exactly the truth either? I mean I have just given a celebrity my phone number in the hopes that she might call. But anyways, like I said before, who am I kidding? She's not going to call, or even text.

"Okay darling," my mum said, hugging me "that's sweet of you". 

I wrapped my arms around her, unable to fathom that Billie had just looked me in the eye. Within the tens of thousands of people in this arena, she looked at me. 

She looked at me.

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