- five -

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"So, what do you want to do?" Billie asked inquisitively. 

"I don't really mind, whatever suits you." I replied, open to what she wants. 

I mean, I'm literally sitting next to her. I couldn't care less about what we do, as long as I'm doing it with her.

"Let's be lowkey then, avoid the paps." she said, dramatically hiding her face with her hands as a joke.

I giggled at her stupid little face and she simpered back at me, before returning her focus to the steering wheel and beginning to drive. 

"Here." she says as she hands me the aux cord, still looking at the road ahead.

Do I really want to show her my taste in music? I think I'll pass, I doubt she'd want me playing her own albums anyway.

"No play me yours." I contended, wiggling the aux on her hand that was resting on her thigh.

She grabbed the cord and plugged it into her phone, opening Spotify and shuffling her playlist.

Now playing:

I Want You (She's So Heavy) - The Beatles

Well, that's rather fitting, in my case at least. 

"Where are we going then?" I asked, curious.

"To be honest, I don't know." she replied with a laugh, "I've never been here before."

Of course. She lives in America so why would she know her way around Southeast England?

"Okay then, I think I have a spot in mind." I say, beginning to guide her around the roads.

We drive for around 15 minutes as I tell her which roads to turn down before we get to my favourite place to hang out, by myself of course. It's a beautiful reservoir that's hidden so you don't know it's there unless you accidentally stumble across it. It's normally quiet, with the odd dog walker who's 50+, so I think we'll manage to avoid any paparazzi.

Billie pulls into the empty car park and stops in the far corner, turning the car off and unbuckling her seatbelt. We both get out and she takes a minute to admire the surroundings. I took that minute to admire her. 

I lead her onto the trail and we begin to walk around the reservoir. 

I still don't get why she wanted to hang out with me. Either way, I'm not going to find out unless I ask.

"So, why'd you want to hang out with me then?" I ask shyly, looking at the ground as we walked.

"You're just straight to the point aren't you?" she joked. "You seem chill, and I'm only in England for the next week so why not make some new friends."

Only a week. Shit. That's not long at all.

"Chill?" I questioned with a chuckle. "I nearly knocked you over last night!" 

"Well, we'll ignore that part." she said. "Anyway, I want to get to know you. Tell me something about yourself."

Now it sounds like I'm in a job interview. I guess the big question is what do I say.

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