- eight -

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"Just here please." I said as the taxi driver pulled into a back alley behind the O2.

I took my wallet from my pocket and handed the man some cash.

"Keep the change, thanks." I added, getting out of the taxi and heading for the tiny door where I first met Billie.

It was desolate, nobody was around. I guess people don't pay attention to the little doors anymore. 

I took a second to compose myself and pulled the door open, stepping inside to see Maggie stood on the other side.

"Y/n?" she asks, brandishing a smile.

"That's me." I smiled.

When Billie said someone would meet me, I expected some security man or something, not her Mum!

"It's nice to meet you." Maggie explains, giving me a short hug. "Billie's been talking about you."

She has? 

Maggie takes my hand and leads me through various corridors. It's a good thing she knows her way around otherwise I'd get lost in minutes. 

Finally, she stops and opens a door.

On the other side, Billie leaps up off of the sofa and runs up to me, grasping me in a hug.

"Hey." she says sweetly, once again placing her hand on the back of my neck and squeeing me tight.

"Hey Billie." I respond.

She gives the best hugs. 

After a few seconds, she ushers me to the sofa and pats the cushion, inviting me to take a seat. 

I assume this is her green room. It's got a tv, snacks, and is pretty cosy.

Maggie gives Billie a wink at the door and closes it behind her as she walks away. 

"So, how are you?" Billie asks, crossing her legs.

"I'm good. I can't believe you're letting me come to another show." I beam.

"Of course." she responds, "I wouldn't want anyone else here."

She wouldn't want anyone else? I get butterflies in my stomach again. I'm literally sitting on the same sofa as Billie Eilish. And I'm not interested in the fact she's a celebrity, or multi-millionaire, or whatever! I'm just interested in her. 

"I really enjoyed yesterday with you." Billie shared, "That little lake spot was cool, and the view was sick. How'd you even find it?" she questioned, propping her head up with her arm.

"Well, I just stumbled on it really." I said, trying to think of a better way to explain.

"I just had a shitty day and got on my motorbike and began to ride, then I just found it I guess."

"You have a motorbike?" she asks, fascinated.

"Yeah, I got one for my 17th and I love it". I said, getting my phone from my pocket to show her a picture.

 I said, getting my phone from my pocket to show her a picture

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"That's insane dude!" she says, taking my phone from my hands. "What else have you got on here?" she jokes, getting up and quickly moving away.

Shit. What if she see's something about her? 

"No, no, no. Give it back!" I laugh, hiding the fact I was anxious.

Billie swiftly bounds behind a table, so that she's shielded from me, waving my phone at me and smirking.

"Billie come on!" I laugh, getting up and ready to chase her for it.

She doesn't respond and stares at the screen. Her face transitions from smiles to surprise.

Oh god, what's she seen?

"That's a fine picture, who's this hot chick?" she questions, turning my phone to reveal a photo I secretly took of her yesterday walking away from me at the reservoir. 

Shit. Of course she finds the candid photo of herself.

"Billie!" I remark, my face bright red from embarrassment.

She simply giggles and returns to scrolling through my photos.

That's it, I'm getting it back.

I edge forward around the table, but Billie quickly moves in the opposite direction. We go back and forth a couple of times, like kids chasing each other, both flaunting huge grins on our faces.

"You're not getting it." Billie boasts.

"Oh yes I am." I remark, expeditiously bolting for her.

She ran and I chased her around the green room, both of us laughing as we did it. 

We stopped for a moment, and I could see her relax thinking she'd won.

Taking advantage, I ran straight for her, her eyes widening as I flew towards her. It was too late for her to run and we crashed into each other, stumbling over our feet. 

We plummeted onto the floor and erupted into laughter. 

We cackled and laughed for a solid few minutes before she tried to get up again.

Suddenly, her foot slipped on my phone that she'd dropped and she came tumbling over again, this time catching herself with her hands, crouching over me. Instinctively, I'd placed my hands on her hips to catch her.

We stared into each others eyes for a moment, both catching our breath. I admired her body whilst keeping my glance fixed upon her. I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Unexpectedly, a knock came at the door, snapping both of us out of our trance. 

Billie quickly stumbled back onto her feet and grabbed my arm, helping me back on to mine.

"On stage in 5, Miss Eilish." a male called from behind the door.

It's a good thing he didn't open it.

"Okay." she called back, brushing her shirt off with a smile on her face.

"You alright?" I asked, worried I'd managed to hurt her.

"I'm fine, just broken my back." she jests, clutching her back and hunching over.

"Not funny." I respond as she giggles and stands back up straight. 

"You've got something in your hair." I say, noticing a speck of something stuck between the bun in her hair.

"Get it then." she says, dropping her hands to her side.

I hesitated for a moment, just looking at her. Billie nodded her head as if to say 'get on with it' and I reached for the speck, gently pulling it from the strands of her hair. 

I flicked the speck onto the floor and brushed my hands together.

"I look good?" she asked.

She always looks good.

"You look great." I respond, "Can't tell I've just tackled you to the floor." 

She chuckles and picks my phone up off the floor, handing it back.

"Come on." she says, walking towards the door. 

I followed her through backstage, appreciating her figure as she walked ahead.

We came to the platform which catapults her into the air at the start of the show. I could hear the instrumental of Oxytocin playing and the crowd screaming.

"Go through there." Billie says, pointing to an opening that lead to the pit. "I'll see you after."

I smile and watch her get in position, placing her earpiece in her ear and making sure she was perfect.

Not wanting to pry, I make my way through the opening. I'd gone from sitting at the back to being stood right next to the stage in front of the barrier.

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