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(the next morning)

Surprisingly, I wasn't awoken by Tigger this morning, yet instead by my mum insisting that I get up so as not to 'waste the day'.

I rolled over and wrapped myself up in the duvet, like a burrito, shading my eyes from the sun that was beaming through the window. How do some people enjoy waking up in the mornings? A bed is literally warmth and comfort and everything you could want. I'm going to lay here for as long as I can.

That plan didn't last very long as my mum trundled back into my room and dropped the cat on me.

I love that fluffy little boy but at the moment, I love sleep just a little more.

As usual, he began to purr and nestled his head in between the duvet and my face. Brilliant. His breath absolutely reaks! 

Unable to deal with the stench of fish, I huffed and got out of bed, turning back to give Tigger some attention.

"Sorry little man, but I can't deal with that smell in my face." I explain, rubbing the bottom of his chin. 

I take my phone from the bedside table and unplug the charger, switching it on.

11:36 AM

No New Notifications

Well, I can't say I'm surprised to see that. I'm not that popular so most mornings I have nobody to respond to. That's alright though, I still have yesterday to think about.

I walk into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush. I must've been half asleep because I managed to spray the toothpaste down the sink instead of on the brush.

I'll just swipe that away and nobody will know.

"Y/n what do you think you're doing?" questions my mum as she pops her head around the door.

Shit. So much for 'nobody will know' Y/n. 

"If you want to waste my toothpaste you can buy it for yourself!" she jokes, taking the toothpaste from my hand and putting some on the toothbrush for me.

God, way to make me feel like a 5 year-old. 

"I'm going food shopping. Do you want to come?" she asks, optimistic.

 It was obvious how desperate she was for me to say yes but can I be bothered to follow her around every single aisle in Tesco? Not really.

"No thanks, Mum." I respond before beginning to brush my teeth, hoping she'll just leave it at that.

"Oh come on Y/n. I want some company. Are you really going to leave your poor mum to go shopping by herself?" she persuades, with a puppy face look.

"Alright, alright. I'll come." I struggle to say with a mouthful of toothpaste.

She grins like a little girl before kissing me on the forehead and walking out of the bathroom.

I turned back around to face the sink and stared into the mirror in front of me.

Do I like the way I look? Not particularly. Do I hate the way I look? No. I'm kind of floating in the middle; I just don't think anyone'll find me particularly attractive.

At the end of the day, I can't exactly morph my face into some gorgeous woman, so mediocre Y/n will do.

The again, I don't think mediocre Y/n looks very good with toothpaste dripping down her chin so I should probably clean that up.

I spit the remaining toothpaste out of my mouth and wipe my face on a towel, then walk into my room to get changed into, you guessed it, jeans and a hoodie.

Thinking about it, I'm a little peckish. I never really eat breakfast but then again, my life practically changed yesterday so maybe it's time to switch things up a little.

Actually, I guess it's more like brunch at this time - it's nearly 12pm. 

Just as I'm scouring the cupboards, my mum walks into the kitchen and stops me in my tracks.

"We can get McDonalds on the way if you want?" she queries.

"Yes!" I respond happily without hesitation. "Please." 

"You don't take much convincing." she laughs as we both walk out to the car.

Today's a beautiful day - the sun is shining and it's warm, but not too hot. I can't deal with England when it's hot.

I look at all of the buttons in the car and find the one to lower the roof. It's a nice day, so let's drive with the roof down. I want to feel the wind in my hair.

Once the roof was all the way down, my mum turned the radio up and began to drive.

10 minutes later, we pull into a McDonald's and go through the drive through. I got some chicken nuggets with a Diet Coke and my mum got a hamburger with a latte. She pulled into a parking space nearby and we sat for a while, munching on the food and listening to the radio.

"So, where did you go yesterday morning?" my mum asks, turning to face me. "You never go out, especially not that early."

She's not wrong. I barely go out, and I don't think I've ever gone out before 8am.

Now what's the best thing to say? I don't think saying I went on a date with Billie is a good idea. Oh for fuck sake Y/n. It wasn't a date. We just hung out. That's all it was.

"I just saw a friend." I said, shoving another chicken nugget in my mouth.

"I didn't know your friends could drive." she says, "And they must be doing well to have a Mercedes at 17."

I'm not going to tell her about Billie, at least not yet. I don't need to. She's going back to America in less than a week so it's not like I'm going to see her again.

"It was her dad's car." I lied, "We just went for a drive."

"Okay baby, I'm glad you're getting out a little more. I hate to see you at home on your own." my mum says, resting a hand on mine and giving it an encouraging squeeze.

I'm glad she let me go to that concert, even if it meant she tagged along.

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