- forty six-

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We'd all spent the next couple of hours before the show in Billie's green room, just chilling out and getting relaxed.

Or at least Bil, Finneas and Andrew were relaxed, casually talking to Maggie, Patrick and Claudia. Me on the other hand, well I was a bit more nervous.

Okay, I take that back. Huge understatement. I'm really fucking nervous.

But, I'd like to say my 'poker face' is holding up. So far, Billie's spent most of her time seeing how big of a bite out of a bean burrito she could take. I guess I can't really blame my nervousness going under the radar on my supposed 'poker face' - it's more Billie's love for burritos. 

"Billie sweetheart you might want to stop eating burritos, I think 4 is enough." Maggie finally said with a giggle, sliding the plate out of Billie's reach. "I doubt you want to bring them up in the middle of the show!"

"Moooooom!" Billie whined with a face of disgust at the thought.

We all laughed at the comment before a lady made her way through the door.

"You guys are on in 20, might be a good time to make your way backstage." she said with a smile.

"Have a good show." Patrick said as everyone simultaneously rose from their seat, Billie grabbing one last bite of burrito as Maggie shot her a scowl.

Oh shit. I didn't move, I just blankly stared ahead. This is getting very real, very fast. I could feel my heart begin to pound in my chest.

"Come on mamas, we have a show to put on!" Billie eagerly said as she pulled me up off of the sofa.

I quickly tried to ignore my panic and took a deep breath in, looking right at her and faking a smile. She grabbed my hand and led me out of the green room, Finneas and Andrew already walking ahead.

"Have a good show!" Claudia called from behind, "We'll see you out there."

"Thank youuuuu!" Billie shouted back as she began to walk faster, clearly very excited.

She was practically dragging me along at this point, her hand clutching onto mine.

We finally arrived to an area just under the stage, Billie getting ready to be catapulted onto the stage as she does at the start of a show. Andrew had already started to make his way up to his drum kit onstage, Finneas patiently waiting for me to go with him.

"Billie?" I quietly said, trying to get her attention.

She clearly didn't hear me as she avidly started grabbing things and talking to people and making sure everything was right.

One of the tech ladies came over to me, shoving in-ear monitors in my hands and asking me questions and the crowd was getting louder and louder and 

"BILLIE I CAN'T DO THIS!" I shouted, throwing my head into my hands and beginning to cry. 

This is all too much, I can't breathe, I can't see. Holy fuck am I having a heart attack? 

All of a sudden I felt her gentle arms hold my shoulders, directing me to sit on the floor. 

"You're okay love, just breathe. It's okay." she sweetly said as we both sat, my tear ridden face falling into her chest as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I... I can't do this Bil, I... I..." I tried to express as I was hyperventilating, struggling to form a coherent sentence.

"Okay. Okay love you don't have to." she reassuringly whispered into my ear as she caressed the back of my head with her hand, tears continuing to fall down my cheek and onto her.

"I'm so sorry." I said in between sharp breaths.

"No. Don't apologise. It's okay. You're okay." Billie said, pulling herself back and tenderly lifting my chin to face her.

"I think I might have a better idea." she said with her sweet smile as she stared into my eyes. "Wait here for a second."

She quickly got up and walked around a corner, out of view. 

Oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this. She's supposed to be performing in less than ten minutes and now I decide to have a nervous breakdown?

Finneas kindly helped me to stand up and rested his arm across my shoulders, in a sort of half hug. 

Finally, Billie came jogging around the corner and plunged a camera into my hands, the same camera she gave me back in London at the second show of hers I saw.

"You can handle this right?" she said as she took the in-ear monitors from my hands. "Although, I think you should keep these." 

She delicately placed the monitors in my ears and cupped my cheeks, wiping my remaining tears off with her thumbs.

"Thank you." I quietly uttered as I placed the lanyard of the camera over my head and around my neck. 

"On in 5." a guy shouted from a few feet away.

Finneas reassuringly patted me on the shoulder and left, running to get onstage.

"Right. Go inside the gap between the barrier and stage and enjoy the show." Billie said before kissing me on the cheek and walking up to the platform and grabbing a microphone. "And don't drop the camera this time!" she sarcastically called with a laugh.

"I'll try not to!" I called back as I made my way out of the corridors and into the arena, just inches in front of her fans at the barrier.

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