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I awoke the next morning to glimmers of light peeking through the gaps at the end of the curtains. 

Billie was still fast asleep beside me, however, someone else had joined us.

Tigger had laid in between us, his head resting peacefully on the duvet as he quietly snored - I didn't even know cats could snore until I met this little guy.

I moved around a little bit and his ears pricked up, his head following a few moments later as he sat up to see what atrocity had disturbed his beauty sleep.

I reached my hand out from under the duvet and onto his head, gently petting him as he began to relax again. He started to softly purr as we both laid there, with no intention of getting up anytime soon.

With my spare hand, I reached for my phone and flicked it on.

09:46 AM

No New Notifications

Once again, back to the all familiar reality of no notifications on my phone. Anyway, I couldn't really care less right now - I mean look at who's asleep next to me.

Billie bloody Eilish.

I'm never going to get over that. I'm never going to get over her.

Right, yes. Billie Eilish. The Billie Eilish who's supposed to be on tour in Asia right now. The Billie Eilish without a manager.


Well, the whole manager thing can be sorted out later - right now, we need to get to Asia.

I went on Billie's website and flicked through the tour dates. Berlin, Zurich, Manila...

A-ha, Seoul. August 15th. That's in a few days, and there's no chance I'm letting her miss it.

Surely most of this is already planned out? I have absolutely no idea. Finneas should know right?  Hopefully?

I searched through my contacts for a moment before realising I don't actually have his number. Not a great start.

I guess I'm going to have to use her phone. 

I sat up and looked over her as she was still undisturbed, fast asleep.

Her phone was on the windowsill... the windowsill that's right by her head.

I have two options: get out of bed and walk around, or simply lean over her and grab it. 

I don't want to wake her up - she looks so serene, it would be cruel to startle her. In that case, getting out of bed is probably too much of a risk.

Right, I'll just have to lean over her then.

I carefully pulled the duvet off of me and strategically placed my arms over her body, holding myself up. 

I glanced at her face for a second, she was still fast asleep. Good.

I leant forward as I was basically on top of her by this point and grabbed the phone off of the window sill. I tapped the screen, turning it on, and held it in front of her face.

The Face ID worked, thank god, and I was in. 

I scrolled through her home screen and finally found contacts, opening the app and searching Finneas. 

I sent his number to myself and closed the app, returning to the home screen again.

I was suddenly filled with the temptation to open a few more apps.

I know I shouldn't. But...

No, I shouldn't.

Oh, well photos can't be that bad right?

I held my finger over the app as I contemplated opening it.

Finally, I caved and pressed on the icon. 

Jesus Christ! How many?

Billie had 11,362 photos and videos on her phone. I don't even want to go near that.

Beside her recents was an album titled '❤️'

I tapped it open and a barrage of pictures of myself came onto the screen. I didn't even know she had any pictures of me! Most of them were terrible mugshots, or ones with my back turned.

I mean, they're a bit cute.

"What're you smiling at on my phone?" Billie suddenly, but sweetly uttered below me.


I didn't even realise I was smiling. The expression quickly faded as I turned my attention to her, as she laid below me with a gleaming grin on her face.

"I... I was looking for Finneas' number." I fumbled, trying not to sound creepy.

I should've never gone through her phone really. Trust me to get carried away.

Billie tilted the phone screen towards her, making no attempt to pull it out of my hand, and smiled as she saw what I was looking at.

"Bet you didn't know I had those." she giggled.

I rolled back over onto the bed and laid beside her, placing the phone in-between us.

"No, I didn't." I replied, trying to be annoyed but I couldn't. I hate candid photos of myself, but I have to admit it's sweet.

"What were you wanting Finneas' number for anyway?" Billie asked.

"Oh, for tour, or the rest of it. I thought he would know what's going on." I replied. "I didn't have it."

"You know you could've just asked." Billie said.

"I know." I replied guiltily, "I just didn't want to wake you. You looked so cute."

"Cute?" Billie exclaimed, disgusted. "Girl, shut the fuck up!"

We both laughed as I continued to make little jabs.

"You're so beautiful with your beautiful nose and beautiful eyebrows and beautiful..."

"Staaaaawp!" Billie begged as I started to bombard her with kisses all over her face.

She shoved her hands in between our faces, hiding her own as we giggled.

"Alright, alright." I said, finally giving in and leaving her alone.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" she said as she peeked through her fingers.

"And you're just so beautiful!" I replied, unable to stop myself from cracking one more jab.

Billie pulled the pillow from under her head and flung it onto my face, knocking me back.

"Good morning to you too." I said as I threw her pillow onto the floor.

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