! 01. Cousins !

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~ Karysn POV ~

i've always looked forward to one thing and one thing only after school ends and summer starts.. going to my second home, Cousins.

"Do I have to go?" Isaiah, my bestfriends brother, aka my second bestfriend, whined. I rolled my eyes as I was sitting on his bed scrolling through my phone, "yes you are. If Sarah is coming to her first summer in cousins with me and the Fishers, then her brother, and my second bff! needs to come too"

He sighed, "I never wanted to be your second bff" he said jokingly. I threw a pillow at him and he chuckled. I sleptover at the Moss's house the day before leaving for cousins. Isaiah, Sarah, and me were finally able to convince their parents to let their two kids come with us to cousins for the summer.

I told my mom, Laure, that i'd sleepover at their house and then leave with them to cousins tomorrow. The only reason she agreed is because she knows Isaiah is a great driver.

A knock on the wall can be heard with a shout following it, "Karsyn!! You're supposed to be MY bestfriend not my stinky brother" Sarah shouted.

I laughed before getting up, "don't pack bad clothes" I said before walked over to the room right next to Isaiah's room. Isaiah shouted a little, "Hey! I have good style..."

I leaned against the doorway of Sarah's room. "Need help, my only bestfriend?" I asked while Sarah rolled her eyes at me, still packing some clothes.

"What are you even packing?" She asked. "You know, the usual" I replied, looking down at my phone.

Sarah snapped, "The usual?! Oh no way you're packing those close again when you look so much more hotter than the last summer!"

I sighed, "wowwww thanks so much"

She groaned, "This summer is going to be YOUR summer Sin, I can feel it!" She exclaimed. I looked up at the mirror across the room, seeing my reflection in it.

I definitely did change.. I mean i've always just been, ok. Never pretty.. nor hot. It was always Sarah that the boys AND girls looked at, same goes with Isaiah. Those too are too hot to be my bestfriends.

And just in general, I was just the idgaf type or out there. I had a lot of friends back home, so.

During the ends of the school was when I really took in Sarah's advice to try and work on myself more. I've never wanted to put so much work into my appearance.

"And plus, now you can look really hot for good ol' Conrad" She winked at me, receiving a loud shush. "Shut up! People can hear, ya know" I said as I closed the door and sat on the floor beside her.

She chuckled, "As much as I love your sister, and as much as she must LOVE Conrad, I think he'll open his eyes to you... you've always been closer to him"

I nudged her arm and muttered, "You know I can't do that to Belly.. and you promised you wouldn't say anything about her liking him too"

Sarah shrugged, "I won't break that promise from now on! And also, we all know Jeremiah has the fattest crush on Belly, she'll probably get over Conrad and go for hotter and sweeter Jere-bear"

I laughed at the nickname for Jeremiah. He absolutely hated being called Jere-bear but whenever Belly called him that, he only smiled like a fool. Anyone would know Jeremiah likes her..

Sarah put one last bathing suit into her suitcase and closed it, "all done! Now let me see what you packed" She grabbed my bag and opened it to look inside.

Her jaw dropped as she picked up one of the bathing suits I was planning on taking. "You're taking.... this?! You've got a hot new bod, you can't be taking this bathing suit that elderly use for swim exercises" She told me, throwing it somewhere else in her room and getting up to walk to her dresser.

Sarah pulled out a purple/pink two piece that revealed a lot of skin, "Seriously....?" I asked.

She nodded and put it into my bag and then continued to throw out some of my favorite sweats.

I whined the whole time but I didn't stop her. Sarah's a good bff, she knows what's right for me and when she knows she's pushing me too much she'll stop.

I smiled a bit, watching as she rummaged through her clothes to get some for me. Another knock on the wall could be heard. I got up and closed my suitcase as Sarah put one more thing in.

We both went out the door when Isaiah was about to knock, "bags are on the bed!" Sarah and I giggled as we ran downstairs, knowing Isaiah didn't want to bring our bags down.

- little later -

We had been driving for a few hours until we finally made it to my second home.. well, not the actual house.

Isaiah stopped by a gas station and we both got out, Sarah was passed out in the back seat. I grabbed takis + hot cheetos and went over to the cash register with Isaiah who was holding all of our arizonas and some candy.

We put all the stuff down and I looked out the window and into the car to check on Sarah but I turned back to the cash register who started talking, "are you also new this summer?" He smirked.

I let out a nervous scoff, "No i've been uh, going here my whole life.. he is though" I said as I pointed at Isaiah who just smiled and looked back down at his phone.

"Really? Huh.. just like that other pretty girl" He said. I snickered thinking he was probably talking about Belly, he continued "Coming to the bonfire tonight? First of the season" He asked.

I just shrugged, "Maybe"

"Come, i'll introduce you to some of my friends" He smiled.

Isaiah decided to have some fun and put his arm around me, "For sure, me and my girl will see ya tonight Jumper" He winked and grabbed the bag, us both walking out the store.

I burst out laughing, "For sure, Jumper" I mocked and he laughed too.

- pulling up to the house -

Isaiah pulled up to the house, we saw my moms' car already parked in the driveway. I also caught a glimpse of my mom and Susannah walking into the house.

Huh.. wonder where my boys are at. I woke up Sarah and we all got out the car. As we walked up to the porch, we heard a loud splash and people laughing in the backyard.

I huge smile quickly appeared on my face. I ran to the backyard and laughed loudly at the scene in front of me, Conrad and Belly splashing each other in the water as Steven and Jeremiah laughed.

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