! 02. Surfs up !

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- Karysn POV -

My laugh quickly earned the attention of all my fellow siblings and of course the blondes.

"Karsyn!!" Jeremiah shouted in joy as he ran up and hugged me. He lifted me up and spinned me around. I giggled, "Jeremiah come on, put me down!!"

He finally did, still holding me by the waist and smiling like an idiot. "Finally took Sarah's advice?" He asked and I lightly smacked him in the shoulder. He laughed and let me go.

Steven rolled his eyes, "You don't know how many times i've had to hear Sarah and her talking about make-up products and skin care routines.. i'm finally away from Sarah Moss!" He shouted in joy.

"Good to know ya wouldn't miss me, Stevie boy" Sarah said as she walked into the backyard and stood next to me.

"Ah, you must be the famous Sarah Moss!" Jeremiah said and smiled at her. "And you must be the special hot Jeremiah Fisher" She joked and Jere just laughed. Steven groaned.

I looked behind them to see Belly and Conrad coming up from the water. "Let me go" Belly said and pushed Conrad's hand off of her arm. He splashed her again and swam to the other side of the pool. Bellt went over and got out, immediately going into the house.

I sighed but continued to talk to Steven, Jeremiah and Sarah, trying to not look at Conrad with his wet hair slicked back.. his white shirt being wet enough that you can see his abs.. god were his abs always this defined?

Sarah nudged me, bringing me back to reality. I noticed that Steven and Jere went back inside. "Stop eye fucking Conrad" She rolled her eyes.

I just scoffed and pushed her hand away, "I don't eye fuck you whore"

"You totally do you slut" She laughed and we both went inside. I saw Isaiah talking with my mom and Susannah.

I smiled, "Hi, Susannah!!" I said and ran over to her. She smiled even larger, "Ah! My little sin" She said and we hugged. We pulled away but she held my shoulders, "You've always been pretty, but now everytime I see you, you glow brighter than the sun" She said.

Susannah always had a way of speaking to me... it made me feel safe. It made me feel like I could believe anything she said

I gave her another quick hug and went over to Sarah who was eating some oranges, "Thank you for letting us stay, Mrs.Fisher" She said and smiled at Susannah.

"Oh please, you're more than welcome here and call me Susannah!" She said. Isaiah grabbed his bag, "Gonna go unpack then hit the beach" He winked at us before going up to the room he was going to stay in.

"Oh! And Karsyn, your dad is coming over for the fourth this summer" Mom said and continued to put things away. Sarah grabbed her bag and went up to the room she was sharing with saiah.

"Dad's coming?" I smiled. She nodded. It was a little weird when my parents divorced which was only like a year and a half ago, but I love my dad. I was always close with him.

I then decided to take my bag and go up to my room to. I've always had this room ever since I started coming here.

I opened the door and admired the room I missed having. Everything was still where it was.. the white painted walls with a light purple floral design in it. The rest of my furniture is painted white with purple decorations giving my room life.

I put my bag down on my bed and looked at the window sill where there stood a plant that looked as lively as ever.. a plant that Conrad gave me, and he said it'll never die... like our friendship. I smiled and gave it some water.

Someone speaking had startled me a bit. "See? It never dies"

I turned around and smiled at Conrad. "Hey Connie" He came into my room and gave me a tight hug which I returned.

"You grew up, Sin" He smiled into the hug. I blushed a bit and stayed in the hug. "I definitely did"

We let go and he sat on my bed, "So, surfing?" He asked. I sighed, "Yeah I would go but I promised Sarah and Isaiah I would show them around town"

He rolled his eyes, "So? Ditch them, you haven't got surfing with me for a while and all you've seen is your bestfriends.. I mean i'm supposed to be your bestfriend"

I chuckled, "True.. but I can't just ditch them!"

"Pretty please? I missed you" He gave me puppy dog eyes that I just couldn't say no to. "Ugh- fine.. just give me a minute and i'll see you downstairs. Grab my board for me you dork"

He smiled and jumped off my bed, walking out my room. That's when Isaiah walked in, "Ditching me and your bestfriends for your boyfriend?" He said.

I threw a pillow at him, "not my boyfriend. and yes i'm sorry but I haven't seen him in a while! Just go around town with Sarah and later we can watch a movie" I bargained.

He threw the pillow back at me, "Fine" and left. I grabbed the most less revealing bathing suit Sarah got me and put it on, then put my hair up in a messy bun and went downstairs.

I put my towel on my shoulder and walked down next to Conrad who had his surf board and mine in his other hand.

I took it and smiled, "You ready?" He asked and I smiled again, nodding. We both started walking down to the beach. "So, did you know my dad already had a girlfriend?" I said.

He shrugged, "Nah, but is your mom dating anybody?" He asked I shook my head. "I mean, it's weird since it's only been a year and a half.."

"Yeah I guess it kind of is weird, but I do love your dad and i'm sure he can get loyal bitches"

I snickered, "Bitches my ass. Now that he has a beard? Oh hell no."

Conrad laughed and we made it to the beach. I took in the amazing smell of the salty ocean breeze. I smiled contently, "I've waited all year for this.."

Conrad looked at me and smiled a bit. "Race you" He said and immediately started running. "Hey- Not fair!" I said and chased after him, us both laughing like a bunch of idiots.

I made it into the ocean first and put my arms up in victory, "Huzzah!"

He softly tackled me, and by tackled me I mean hugged my shoulders and pulled me into the water. We resurfaced and I splashed him with water.

"Come on, we came here to surf not drown me" I rolled my eyes. We both layed onto our boards and paddled deeper into the ocean until we saw a good wave to catch. I turned and waited for it to come, so did Conrad.

As soon as it started to push us forward, we paddled a bit before standing up on our boards.

"Wooh!" I yelled as I started to do some cool tricks. I could hear Conrad laughing as he watched me.

Connie has definitely always been better at surfing than me, considering the fact that he lived here and could do it all day.

Change | Conrad Fisher x fem ! ocWhere stories live. Discover now