! 19. Waiting for you !

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- Karsyn POV -

I was down at the beach, surfing. I didn't really want to deal with the moms being absolutely stoned. I was sitting on my board, watching the horizon. Maybe I should catch the sunset later..

I decided to go back and saw Susannah and Jeremiah sitting together. I smiled a little, "Jeremiah! Save me- my mom wants to BRAID MY HAIR" I heard Belly yell and they both laughed.

Susannah saw me and gasped, "Karsyn! My baby girl, come come! Sit next to us" She said and I laughed, sitting on the other side of Susannah and she put her arm around my shoulders.

"You kids are so nice to me" She said and we swayed side to side.

"Alright enough with the commentary Mom" Jeremiah said and got up, "Let's see the art"

He said and looked at the canvas. I got up and looked at it too, "holy.."

"What do you guys think? I think it might be my best work" She said. Jeremiah turned around, "Belly?!" He yelled.

Me and Jere both examined the painting. Belly came running out and saw the painting. Mom came a few seconds later.

"Uh- it's um.." Belly didn't know what to say. "Yeah... yeah I don't- yeah..." I stuttered.

"Picasso and Jackson Pollock had a baby" Mom laughed a little. "What?" Susannah said and went to look at the painting.

It... it was definitely something. Everyone started laughing, "Oh my god it's terrible"

"See this is why old people should not do drugs" Jeremiah said to us. Mom and Susannah lightly hit him, "How dare you! Outraged such" Susannah laughed.

"Such balant ageism" Mom said. "Let's leave these brats and go for a walk on the beach" Susannah got up and took her apron off, grabbing mom's hand and they both walked back inside.

"Have fun mom!" Jeremiah said, "Bye" "Bye brats" They both said.

We all looked back at the painting, "...Oh it does look like Picasso and Pollock had a baby" I said


I was by the pool, reading a book with my feet dipped in. A few minutes later Conrad came back and he started cleaning, "Uh hey" He said and I nodded.

I got up and started to walk back inside as Conrad was looking at the painting. I heard a crash sound that made me stop, I turned around to see that Conrad had knocked over the canvas.

"Wha.. Are you ok? What did you do- What happened" I asked and went over to him, picking the painting up. I looked at him and he just looked away, "Conrad what's wrong" I asked.

"Nothing. Leave me alone Karsyn" He said and I scoffed, "Fine whatever." I said and walked back inside.


I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling.

How much longer do I have to wait for you? To sit alone in the dark, the cold? Why can't you let me in like you let Belly in?

I got up and opened my door, then went to Conrad's room. I knocked on his door and waited until he opened it, "What..?" He asked.

"..Can I come in?" I asked and he looked at me for a second before going back to sit on his bed. I walked in and closed the door. It was dark in his room, he turned on the lamp.

"What's up?" He asked and I sat down on the bed in front of him, "Can... can we talk about something Conrad?" I asked.

I need to let you go.

"Sure.. but uh before you say anything I do wanna say sorry about um, earlier" He muttered and I nodded, "Yeah no, uh.. don't sweat it" I said.

We both sat there in silence.

A second goes by, then a minute.. then another minute.

I inhaled, "Conrad.. do.. do you like Belly?" I said in a low voice. I looked at his face, trying to see his expression.. but I couldn't see anything. It was closed off.

"What? I-I don't. Belly's like a little sister to me Karsyn." He answered but even if I couldn't see it, I could hear it in his voice.

I sighed, "Don't lie to yourself Conrad.. I saw it in your eyes. Right here and right now I can hear it in your voice" I said.

He stayed quiet for a second, "If you came here to just tell me I have a crush on Belly then leave." He said and was about to lay down.

( mood: Sparks, cold play )

"Conrad." I said and he stopped, looking at me again. "What..?" He asked softly.

I looked at him, my eyes starting to tear up, "Why can't you let me in? I know, all the time you're being held responsible because you're the oldest but.. but just know that you don't have to carry that weight all by yourself. I'm here for a reason, connie.. we're here." I told him.

"I just want to know what's wrong, please. Please just tell me, let me in" I said. It hurt, knowing that no one had wanted to come to me.

I always thought it was my fault. Was I not being open enough? Was I not clear enough? Was I that much of a bad person that they thought they couldn't come to me? Was I not enough?

Conrad looked at me, it seems he was almost going to cry too, "Karsyn i..I can't. No you'll find out-"

"Connie.. please" My voice didn't waver, laced with determination. Conrad looked away. I put my hand on his cheek, making him look at me again.

"Conrad.. I like you. I like you so much it hurts to see you look at someone else the way that I want you to look at me. But no matter what, as long as in your eyes I could see happiness then I would be happy. I know i'll never be the one.. but-"

I stopped talking. Conrad looked in my eyes, as if he was looking for something. I put my hand down and fiddled with my shirt. "I'm.. i'm sorry. I don't know why i'm telling you this" I sighed.

A single tear fell down my cheek, he raised his hand and hesitantly wiped the tear away with his thumb. His hand was warm, it gave me butterflies. He was always cold, his hand. Why wasn't it now? He smiled a little, "How long?" He asked.

My heart is yours

"A pretty long time" I laughed a little

It's you that I hold onto

We sat in silence, his hand still on my cheek. We looked at each other's eyes. Slowly, our faces got closer.. and closer until our lips touched. We both closed our eyes.

I felt a spark as we kissed. My heart felt warm.. it was nice. It was a slow kiss at first, as if we were testing the waters but slowly it turned passionate.

Our lips fit perfectly together, like they were puzzle pieces. His other hand made its way to my waist as he pulled me closer.

I moved my arms around his neck, and he moved back a little, pulling me on top of him. I straddled him, and his put both hands on my waist. I pulled away first, and we both just looked at each other.

We're changing.

Idk how to write people kissing help 😭 This is a little something for people who are still reading, and also bc this books' abt to hit 5.6k reads <3 I love you guys thank you !!
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