! 05. Bonfire !

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- Belly POV -

Oh shit. I immediately stopped in my tracks and stared into the car with the people in front of me. Karysn and her bestfriends.

I saw Karysn facepalmed and I awkwardly smiled. She opened the door and walked to me, "Nope, no, no way, nada, hindi, rejected." She deadpanned and grabbed my arm, lightly pulling me back to the porch.

I tried to pull away, "Please- I swear I don't drink Karysn!" I whisper-shouted.

"Still! Steven is going to kill everyone if you come to this bonfire looking like that!" She whispered back. "WHAT?! I mean- what?! You're going to the bonfire in a bikini!" I shouted but quickly whispered again.

"Well i'm a year older than you! And you're only 15"

I quickly protested, "About to be 16!" Karysn rolled her eyes but stopped pulling me when Sarah poked her head out the car.

"C'mon Sin, let her live a little.. plus, Steven will probably die if he sees you there too" She laughed. Karysn let me go with a groan and walked back to the car.

"Get in before mom gets suspicious on why we're still here" She said. I squealed in excitement and ran to the backseat. I got in and giggled, hugging Karsyn, "thank you thank you thank you thank you sin!"

She sighed snd lightly pushed me off.

- Karysn POV -

- at the bonfire -

We got out the car, Belly following behind us. We stood there for a second, looking around to see a whole bunch of drunk and horny teens making out or talking.

"Wooh! Can't wait to make out with some random ravishing white boy on this beautiful beach in cousins" Sarah winked and walked away to like she said, make out with some ravishing boy.

Isaiah took my hand, "Lets get some drinks, that's where all the thirsty girls are at"

I chuckled but shook my head, "I can't leave Belly alone, she's my sister" I said. "What? I'm fine being alone Karsyn, I don't need a baby sitter" Belly rolled her eyes at me.

"See? She's safe and sound.. now, lets go get daddy some hot girls!" Isaiah said and pulled me away.

We went over to the drinking place where I saw Conrad making out with some... girl. I stared for a second but quickly looked away as Conrad and pulled away and probably saw me.

"Karsyn?" He calls out. I turn around and look at him, hiding my jealousy. "Oh, hey." I fake a smile.

"What are you doing here? and dressed like... that" He said as he eyes me up and down. I rolled my eyes, "What? I can't dress up to go to a party?"

Isaiah was chugging beer while talking to some chick. I turned away as Conrad shrugged and went back to making out with that girl.

"Steve- stop!" Some girl shouted and fell to the ground.

Oh shit. First party and Belly has everyones eyes on her.

I turned around to see that Belly had fallen trying to pull away from Stevens' grasp. Everyone had turned to see it, even Conrad. "Are you ok?" Steven muttered.

"Belly..?" Conrad said. Belly turned and got up to see the girl Conrad chose as a make out sesh.

"I thought you hated the red sox?" She said, obviously annoyed. "Who are you?" The girl said, looking at Conrad then Belly.

"Who are you?" Belly sasses back. "Nicole.. Conrad and I went to the deb ball together last sunmer" She said innocently.

Belly crossed her arms. "It was after you guys left to take Steven to look at colleges" Conrad finished.

"I thought you said that Deb balls are bullshit, and all debs are sheep." Belly said.

I should probably step in but nah, imma let it slide. "I didn't-... you're such a brat" He said.

"Well you're an asshole!" Belly said loudly. "Belly! You came! Great we can all hang out you guys" Jeremiah said, running up to Belly.

"I'm about to take her home." Steven said with a girl next to him. "What?" Jere asked. "Yeah. We're leaving." Steven said.

I decided to finally step in, taking a swig of the beer Isaiah had gotten me and standing next to Jere. "Steven that isn't necessary-"

Steven looked at me and his face got even angrier. "And you too? Why the fuck are you dressed like that- Fuck no. Jeremiah take Karsyn home" He spat.

Jeremiah looked at me, "Woah you look hot!" He said. I smiled, "Jeremiah! You know what nevermind, i'm taking them home myself. Also- You're not supposed to be drinking" Steven said and snagged the beer out my hand.

I grabbed it back, "You're not supposed to be drinking either." I said. He was about to protest but Jeremiah stepped in, "Okay- Steven chill out, go hang out with Shayla or something"

Steven looked at the girl beside him, Shayla is what I got, and she said lets go, taking his hand. "Fine. But just stay here and don't talk to anybody" He told Belly then looked at me, "stop drinking!"

Shayla pulled him away and I sighed, taking another swig of my beer. "FUCK YOU!" Belly shouted and flipped off Steven as he walked away.

She turned back to Jeremiah. I just walked back over to Isaiah, Jere can handle her. "Wow! Listen, for one, i'm really happy you're here" He smiled.

"Jeremiah!" a girl called from behind him. He turned around, turned back to her, "Okay- I will be right back" He said and quickly ran back to that girl. Belly walked away, Conrad watching her.

I see a lot of things, i'm not dumb. I'm definitely not dumb enough to not see the way Conrad and Jeremiah looks at Belly.

They look at her like she's the only girl in their eyes.. i'm just blurred out. I care about Jeremiah and Conrad, I just love one of them more.. don't know who though.

I'm dumb enough for that.

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