! 13. Mirror !

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- Karysn POV -

Steven and Jeremiah were at the side of the pool while the girls were on the other side. "Conrad is going to LOSE his mind when he sees you in this bikini" Taylor told Belly.

"No, I doubt it. I honestly think he could care less" Belly said, glancing at me. Taylor rolled his eyes, "Come on Belly"

"No- Seriously.. He didn't even get me a present this year" Belly told her. "What?"

"Yeah. He claimed he forgot" I shrugged. "Ugh- what a little bitch" Taylor seethed. "Yeah.."

"We know you're gossiping about us over there" Taylor said while looking at Jeremiah and Steven. "Yeah you wish!" Steven remarked.

Taylor gasped, "Lets play chicken."

"No- Not chicken" I said. "I was like- 12 the last time we played" Belly said. "Oh come on, it'll be hilarious!" Taylor reasoned as she slowly made her way to the middle of the pool.

"Hey, i'm down! Come on Steven" Jeremiah said.


"Dibs on Jeremy" Taylor said. "I'm not playing if i'm stuck with Steven" I said and sat at the edge of the pool.

"Wait that means i'm stuck with Steven!" Belly groaned. "That isn't fair are you kidding me? Taylor's so much lighter" Steven joked.

"Oh i'm sorry i'm so massive" Belly said. "Wh.."

"I wouldn't want to break you delicate little shoulders" Belly finished. "No you're just taller than her is all" Steven fought and Belly splashed him with water, making me laugh.

"You're such a complainer lets just switch" Taylor suggested and made her way to Steven. "Come play Sin" Jere whined at me.

"Can't, there's too many people Jere-bear" I laughed. He pouted and turned back to Belly, "Let's take them down Bell"

Once the match started, Belly and Taylor immediately went into brawl with Belly winning.

"God that was so your fault" Taylor said, wiping her eyed. "That was completely your fault!" Steven argued back.

"Still the champs!" Jeremiah said, Bells still on his shoulders. That's when Nicole and Conrad walked into the backyard.

I scowled and went back into the water, "Hey guys!" Nicole said. "Hey Nicole!" Belly smiled at her.

I do like Nicole, but she can act a little like a ..pick me . "Hi, happy birthday Belly!" Nicole smiled back. "Are you guys playing.. chicken?" She asked.

"Uh yeah- It was Taylor's idea" She pointed at Taylor who clearly already didn't like Nicole.

"Hey i'm Taylor" She tried to be nice. "Hi" Nicole greeted. "She's my bestfriend from home" Belly told her.

"Just visiting for the weekend" Taylor said. There was a few seconds of silence until I spoke up, "You guys want to play a real game?" I asked.

Everyone agreed and Jeremiah threw Belly off of his shoulders and into the water.


We were playing Volley ball, Jeremiah and I on one team with Belly, Steven, and Taylor on the other. "Come on, you know us! Volleyball champs!" I yelled and served the ball to the other side.

Jeremiah missed the ball when Steven hit it back. "Awww noo" I laughed. Taylor and Belly highfived.

A few more rounds later, Steven switched to our side and taunted Taylor.

I glanced at Nicole and Conrad who were talking at the side of the pool with their feet it.

"I don't think you're ready" Taylor teased as she had the ball and was her turn to serve. "Come on" Steven smiled.

When she served my eyes followed the ball which hit Nicole smack down in the face. "I- Ow!" Nicole said and put her hand on her face.

"Oop..." I muttered. Taylor tried to not laugh too hard, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry"

Belly looked at her, "Taylor.." She said. "I didn't.. It was an accident" Taylor said, not laughing anymore. "I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Belly turned to Nicole.

"Y-yeah no. I'm- i'm-i'm- Totally fine.. y-you guys keep playing" She said, acting like getting hit by an inflatable ball hurt so much. This is what I mean by pick me..

"Let me see it.. let's go inside i'll get you some ice" Conrad said and got up with Nicole. I snickered quietly.

"Conrad it's okay" Nicole said, "I'm so so sorry again, Nicole.. feel better ok?" Belly said, feeling bad. Taylor got annoyed,

"Come on Belly. Conrad can take care of Nicole. Let's go inside and look at ourselves in the mirror some more." Taylor said as she looked Conrad right in the eye.

Conrad just stared for a second, "Yeah have fun with that." He said and went inside.

Tysm for like- 1.48k reads😭 I'll try to update more !!
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