! 03. Alley Cat !

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- Karysn POV -

It was dinner and everyone was eating and having small talk. Steven was on his phone and showed it to Jeremiah who laughed at the meme with Steven.

"Steven, I swear to god if you look at the phone one more time i'm putting it in the screen basket." Mom said. I chuckled lightly alone with Sarah who snickered.

"It's just, we want to see your beautiful faces. Can dinner be a screen-free zone? You know, like the olden days." Susannah smiled. Steven didn't listen and kept looking at his phone. "Steven" Jeremiah said and quickly grabbed his phone and stood up, shooting it into the basket.

"Dude- are you kidding?" Steven said. Jere perfectly made it into the baskest, "Boom! Nailed it" He said and Steven rolled his eyes, "Ok, ok we get it you've been working out"

"Ohh! You're just jealous because Jere has a better body than you" Belly said. "Uhh no actually. All about the lean look now otherwise you can't wear tailored suits" Steven replied

"Yeah sure cuz tailored suits can get you bitches" I joked. Mom lightly scolded me about swearing and I apologized. "Tailored suits" Conrad lightly smiled and chuckled.

"Yeah when are you leaving for training camp man?" Steven asked Conrad, changing the subject. I looked at Conrad and gave him an apologetic look.

Jeremiah had been the one to tell me he quit football. "Uh he quit football" Jeremiah, once again, told everyone.

The table went silent, my mom giving Susannah a look. "W..wait really? You quit?" Steven said, looking at Conrad then at Susannah.

"Are you kidding me man? I'd-I'd kill to play college ball." Steven said, making me kick his leg under the table. "It's his choice" I said and Steven flipped me off, holding his knee under the table.

"And he can always change his mind" Susannah said only to be quickly rejected by Conrad, "i'm not gonna change my mind." He said.

"I was just gonna sit on the bench all season anyways" He finished. "Well, if you're not playing football anymore.. what are you gonna do all summer?" his mom asked.

"Oh, dude! You can work at the club. Yeah, with me and Jere!" Steven suggested. The boys + me decided to get a summer job. "I'm not gonna work at the club" Conrad laughed lightly.

"Wait.. you guys are working this summer?" Belly asked. "Yeah, i'm lifegaurding and Steven's working at the snack shop.. oh and i'm pretty sure Sin's working too, right?" Jeremiah said, looking over at me.

"Huh..? Oh uh yeah, working at some ball at the country club too" I said. Isaiah and Sarah both looked at me in shock, "Seriously- Working while your 2 bestfriends are here?!" They said.

I shrugged, "Only until tomorrow" Sarah hit my shoulder and I whined. "Oh! Belly, I almost forgot but didn' thanks to my sweet girl Karsyn.. I have a surprise for you!" Susannah said as she got up from the table and grabbed an envelope.

She handed it to Belly. "So this is why you had to stop by the country club" My mom sighed. We all looked at the envelope as Belly opened it.

"What.. uh, wh-wh-what is that?" Steven asked as if he wanted one too, assuming it was money. "I wrangled Bellt an invitation to be a debutante at the ball Karsyn was working it!" Susannah answered with Joy.


She then took my hand and smiled sweetly at me, "I would have gotten you an invitation too, but it seems you decided to work instead"

I nodded in understandment. "Is that the thing where the girls wear white dresses and curtsy?" Belly asked. "It's.. when a girl comes of age and is presented to society" Susannah explained.

I decided to keep eating, not wanting to pay that much attention.

"You'll make so many new friends!" Susannah finished which is what caught my attention again. " I cannot believe you're still holding on to this arcade dream" My mom said, getting up and walking away.

"No- It used to be about finding a husband but now it's about networking! They teach you leader ship skills like how to market yourself.. and it benefits charity. It's um.. like a bar mitzvah" Susannah finished.

Mom came back walking in with some alcohol and laughed, "it's not like a bar mitzvah there is nothing religious about a debutante ball" She said sitting back down.

"The whome deb scene is bullshit. It's for sheep." Conrad said. I looked back down at my food disappointingly.

I kind of wanted to do it.. so if I did, would Conrad have called me a sheep and thought it was bullshit?

Isaiah put his hand on my thigh under the table, "The only sheep I see here is you" He said at Conrad. Connie gave him a nasty look.

Isaiah had always been my bestfriend, longer than Sarah. He always backed me up and of course saying this to Conrad wasn't too offensive since Isaiah and Conrad knew each other.

Saiah had visited for like a day then left a few hours later, so obviously everyone knew him. This was Sarah's first summer here, so she didn't say anything because she knew if she did some shit would start.

Conrad was about to say something else but Susannah interrupted. "no it's not it's when a girl has it coming out. It's a formal recognition she's reach maturity-"

Steven snickered, "Oh, sorry! I'm sorry, Mature?" Steven asked. "Yes" She said. "Belly? A-a couple months ago you had a cat funeral. You made us all wear black" Steven said.

"Shut up Steven, I saw you crying in your room. And second of all, it is quite mature to have a funeral for a cat who our family loved quite much" I snapped. "Rest in pussy, Mochi" Isaiah whispered as a joke.

"Wait- Mochi dies? Dang, i'm sorry Bells" Jeremiah said to Belly.

"Belly. Don't you want to get all dressed up?" Susannah asked as she saw Belly looking at the invitation.

"It's just not Belly's kind of thing.. She's our feral alley cat" Mom said as she played with a strand of Belly's hair.

Jermeiah, Steven, Isaiah, and Sarah started to laugh. Anyone could tell Belly was over it so she looked back over at Susannah and said, "I'll think about it"

Susannah smiled, "She'll think about it" and took a sip of her champagne.

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