Chapter 15: Evelyn

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Pulling away from my home, my beautiful childhood home, I stared with a longing gaze out the window. Slowly, my small neighborhood faded from view, and as we passed through Ice Valley. Tears filled my eyes as a gentle smile filled my lips. I will miss this place.

Suddenly, Max turned on the car blinker, turning down an all too familiar road. I scrunched my brows in confusion.

"What are you doing, Maximus?" I asked. I tried to keep my face passive, but my voice betrayed me with a slight tremble. I was anxious. 

Max reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle and reassuring squeeze, before pulling up to the library and parking the car. I turned to him with wide eyes and then looked back to the old oak building.

"Max... why are we here?" I asked.

He offered a half smile, holding up the book he had taken from the library weeks earlier.

"Oh," I breathed out faintly.

He got out of the car and I sat still, expecting him to go in without me. There was simply no way I could face Mrs. Peters. However, Max surprised me, walking around the car and opening my door.

"Come on," he urged, reaching out a hand for me to take.

My body trembled with dread, as a nauseous feeling pulled in my stomach.

"Maximus... I- I can't," my voice cracked as I looked up at the library.

The library had been a part of my home just as much as my house had. It had books that had supported me in times of trouble, and the library had Mrs. Peters. My grandparents had died long before my parents found me, and in many ways, Mrs. Peters was my grandmother. To say goodbye would be too much to bear. I looked at Maximus again, his hand outstretched to mine.

"Come on Ev, come on," he whispered, reaching his arms across me and unbuckling my seat. He gently grabbed my hand.

I realized then, that not saying goodbye to Mrs. Peters would be more unbearable than doing it.  So, rather than fight against Max, I let his strong but tender grip pull me out of the car. I trembled as we approached the library, fearing how I would handle saying goodbye. Tears fought to surface, but I fought harder against them, feeling Maximus give my hand another reassuring squeeze.

As we walked in, Mrs. Peters glanced up from the circular desk. She gave me a vibrant smile and then glanced at Maximus giving him a wink. My forehead crinkled.

What is going on?

"Hi, Mrs. Peters," I whispered with a smile.

With enthusiasm, she walked in large strides and wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"You didn't think you could leave without saying goodbye did you?"

Wrenching guilt poured into me and I felt like I was punched in the gut.

Bursting into tears, all I could muster was, "I-I."

Mrs. Peters rubbed my back in consolation.

"There there, darling, everything is going to be fine," she smiled through tears that had begun to pour down her face.

Turning to Maximus, Mrs. Peters offered a catlike grin. Something strange was definitely going on.  "Alpha Alexander, would you and Evelyn do me a favor and return that book to the children's section?"

He nodded, taking a step toward me before we walked to the children's section. I heard a strange muffled sound before I found myself shrieking and laughing as a chorus of voices shouted, "Surprise!!!"

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