Chapter 19: Evelyn

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"Mmm," I groaned. My eyes felt heavy as I opened them. The prior day's events flooded to me and a mixture of despair and joy filled me. Dismay at everything Maximus had gone through, but joy at what had taken place between us. Suddenly a smile spread across my face.

No nightmares.

Not a single one.

I had slept the soundest sleep I had had in months. Completely feeling safe. I moved to sit up in bed only to groan again at the sharp pain that went through my neck.

"Hey, hey, take it easy," Maximus whispered. I looked at him over my shoulder as he lay still in bed, hair tousled. He reached out an arm and snaked it around my waist pulling me in beside him. My back was to him and he buried his head into my neck. A feeling of contentment washed over me. His body was warm and strong. I felt like I was in an impenetrable armor with his arms around me.

He is my safety.

I felt his breath fanning against my skin, and he leaned in closer, peppering kisses up my neck gently.

"How do you feel?" he asked me tenderly. I turned around, facing him. His blue eyes made me feel like jelly as my stomach flipped. He had always been undeniably handsome, but something about him in the morning streaming light made him angelically so. It streamed through his tendrils of dark hair, giving them a soft glow. His tan skin was illuminated by the sun's rays.

"I'm happy," I smiled and paused. My hand made its way into his hair, gently playing with a piece. He looked at me with affection, and I almost felt bad admitting the second half, "and sore."

His smile turned into a scowl instantly as he pushed back my hair to reveal my aching shoulder. But the longer he stared at it, the less he began to scowl. His mouth twitched.

"What?" I asked him with a laugh.

He looked at me and reached out a hand. He gently held my face while stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Your mine," he whispered in awe like he didn't believe it. I gazed at him through my lashes and smiled.

"I love you," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"I love you too," he whispered, "I love you so much it hurts," he smiled at me.

I realized then, I had never truly seen Maximus smile. This smile crinkled his eyes and showed all his pearly white teeth. This smile was joyful and triumphant. This smile held promises of smiles to come. It was like the sunshine in the room had been embodied by him. He was like the sun.

He leaned in and pulled me closer in his arms. Holding me, he pressed our lips together once more, but this was much more passionate and drawn out. Each movement of his lip against mine was slow and tender, like the kindling being added to a fire. The more he kissed me, the more a passion I didn't know I had within me burned. Heat filled my body as emotions I didn't know I possessed filled me. Just as soon as it started, it stopped as Maximus pulled our lips apart. I found myself breathing heavily, gasping for air, pressing my swollen lips together. Max leaned his forehead against mine and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ev, but I have to go."

My eyes shot open.

"Go? Go where?" I asked almost in a panic. A strong feeling pulled at me commanding me to be near him.

He laughed and pressed a kiss to my forehead, "The mate bonds already establishing itself I see."

I tilted my head to the side and playfully rolled my eyes. Subconsciously, my hand, which was on his chest, pressed closer along with my entire body as I leaned into him.

EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now