Epilogue: Evelyn

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Hot oil popped in front of me and I smiled. I hummed as I stirred the batter, before pouring it into the sizzling pan.

The sweet aroma of blueberry pancakes graced the air as it cooked, filling my home with its pleasant aroma. Lingering in the soft warm steam from the pan, I grinned.

I looked over my shoulder and smiled as I watched my sweet children running around hair flying, and loudly giggling.

My four-year-old son Rafe, who had dark brown hair that matched his father's and honey-brown eyes that matched my own came up to me in a fit of giggles.

I turned to flip a pancake as he came behind me and tugged on my shorts.

"Yes?" I smiled, down at him.

"When will pancakes be ready, Mama?"

"Soon, my sweet love, soon."

"Mama, pickup? Pick me up please mama," he spoke again, tugging my shorts. Laughing and playfully rolling my eyes, I knelt down and pulled him into my arms kissing his forehead.

Behind me, I sensed a presence I knew all too well after years of being mated to him.

Turning around, I smiled as my eyes locked with icy blue ones and a gentle smile. His gaze turned towards our daughter Daphne, a little girl with golden-brown hair, practically identical to my color, running who ran towards him with spasmodic laughter. She leaped into his arms and squealed, "Daddy".

"Sunshine!" he exclaimed, holding her in the air and blowing raspberries to her face.

He set her down before coming up to me and Rafe with a glowing smile. He kissed our son's forehead.

"How is my sweet and strong boy this morning?" he asked with a smile as he ruffled Rafe's hair.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed with a giggle.

Maximus turned to me his gaze loving and strong. Rafe wiggled in my arms and I set him down as Max wrapped his arms around my waist. He pressed a kiss against my lips, and I smiled.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Good morning, Angel," he beamed down at me.

I turned in his arms, to flip pancakes, as he held his grip on my waist. He lowered his head to the crook of my shoulder, pressing a kiss against my neck making me laugh.

"Max, stop it," I giggled.

"And why should I?" he teased, raising a brow to look at me.

"Because I need to focus on not burning pancakes so our guests can actually eat!" I exclaimed, patting his head with the spatula.

"Soooo, what I'm hearing is that I'm a distraction?"

I playfully shoved him, "Oh go away!"

"You love me," he grinned cheekily, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I do," I smiled over my shoulder, before turning back to flipping pancakes.

"And I love you," I heard him call over my shoulder sweetly as he rustled through the silverware drawer to set the table.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.

Putting my apron aside, I quickly made my way to the door at the front of the house. With a smile, I opened it to see three beloved faces.

"Evelyn!" Isabelle exclaimed with a smile. Her long silky black hair was elegantly placed in a bun atop her head. My brother's mate stood alongside my brother, her dark almond eyes shining brightly.

"Izzy!" I smiled back, giving her a hug, careful of the baby in her arms. Pulling away, I looked down to see my sweet two-year-old niece, Sophia. The little girl was the perfect combination of her parents, her almond eyes lending to Isabelle's Chinese heritage, and her golden brown hair lending to her father. "Hello sweet love," I beamed at the baby, tickling her chin and making her giggle.

Looking away from the little girl, I smiled at my brother. "Eli!" I exclaimed, reaching out to give him a hug.

"Good to see you, Evelyn," he smiled, pulling me into a tight hug. His beard scratched against my head.

"You too!" I smiled. At that moment, a car pulled through the woods and up our driveway.

"Feel free to make your way inside," I smiled at them as I heard Maximus offer a greeting in the background. Walking down the driveway, I watched as Madi, Conner, Mira, and Miles exited the car.

"Auntie Evelyn!" Mira exclaimed. Her light blonde hair bounced in a braid that mirrored Maddie's signature one as she ran up and gave me a hug.

"Look who is getting tall!" I exclaimed with a laugh as I hugged her.

She had just turned 12 and was only a foot shorter than me.

"How are you, sweet girl?" I asked with a smile as I held her in my arms.

"So good Auntie Evelyn!" she pulled away, "You would not believe what dad got me for my birthday!" her eyes were wide in a "no way you'll believe it" kind of look.

"Oh, wouldn't I?" I laughed, "You will have to promise to tell me over brunch."

She nodded her head and smiled brightly as she skipped past me and into the house.

Miles held onto Madi's hand tightly, a habit he had formed since Madi and Conner adopted him, as they walked up to the house. She smiled down at him, while a hand rested on the protruding baby bump that her lilac dress highlighted. Conner stood by his mate with a smile, walking stride by stride with her.

"Hi," Madi's sweet voice called as she walked up to me. She let go of Miles's hand to hug me in a tender embrace, before immediately holding onto his hand again.

"Hi, my sweet friend," I smiled at her.

"Hi, Auntie Evelyn!" Miles exclaimed with a bright smile. The eight-year-old held a precious grin with his front missing tooth.

"Hi peanut," I smiled as I kneeled down to hug him. "How are you?"

"So so good! I can't wait to finally be a big brother!" he exclaimed.

"I bet," I smiled with a nod.

"And you will be the very best big brother!" Conner exclaimed sweeping the boy into his arms, causing him to release a squeal followed by giggles.

"How are you, Evelyn?" Conner smiled brightly at me.

"Good, good. Just glad to have you guys here for brunch!"

"I know," Madi smiled sympathetically, "it's been a busy summer with the kid's schedules. I'm happy the school year has returned us with some normalcy."

I smiled and nodded. August was one of my favorite months. A sweet end to summer, and a reunion with my friends who I had seen sparsely between holidays and summer vacations.

We walked towards the house, continuing in conversation about the upcoming school year and our lives. A warm feeling blossomed in my heart as the day faintly reminded me of a dream I had had years ago.

A dream of sweet mornings filled with blueberry pancakes.

As we stepped into the house and I closed the door behind us, I turned to face my family and dear friends. The endearing scene before me caused me to smile.

Eli, Conner, and Maximus had huddled together around the table, each one talking while trying to grab a giggling child and put them in a seat. Izzy and Madi smiled at each other in deep conversation as Madi rubbed her belly.

"Oh, what a sweet sweet life," I thought to myself as I joyfully walked over to my friends to join in on the conversation.

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