Chapter 30: Maximus

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Panic was setting in. It had been 24 hours since I had heard from Evelyn... 24 hours of mental torture as I helplessly and aimlessly searched for my mate. Every possible worst cast scenario floated through my mind, slowly torturing me.

I sat with my head down on my desk, my heart seeming to shatter as the memory of my mate screaming "help" through the mindlink permeated my brain. I felt sick just thinking of her, sick thinking about what she must be enduring. What was even harder was not feeling our connection. Not knowing if she...

No, I can't think that way. I shook my head.

A knock resonated on the door and I lifted my head from the basket of my arms. My puffy eyes looked to the door as a familiar face I hadn't seen in weeks came through.

"Maximus," Conner whispered. His face looked sorrowful and I let out a half chuckle half sob as I saw him. It was a strange way to feel, bittersweet. The sweet comfort of my best friend's arrival and the bitter of knowing why he was here.

He came around the desk and I stood up as he wrapped me in a firm brotherly hug.

"Conner," I whispered, my voice sounding broken, almost ghostly. Like an old record that's been scratched.

"It's okay man, it's okay. We are going to find her, I promise you," he pulled back and held my shoulders looking at me with a resolute look, "We are going to find her."

I wiped my nose across my sleeve nodding, feeling my inner wolf seem to howl internally in pain. It was as if she were already lost... in a sense she truly was. I felt like I was suffocating.

"Alpha Alexander," a quiet and meek voice spoke from the doorway. I looked up to see a familiar blonde.

"Hi Madi," I half smiled at one of my mate's best friends. I stepped forward towards her offering a small hug. "Please call me Maximus," I spoke gently, feeling the redness of my eyes, "you are my best friend's mate and my mate's best friend. It's nice to finally meet you... despite the circumstances."

"You as well..." she trailed off. It was then that I noticed her eyes were swollen as well, and covered in a glassy film of tears. "I just- I just need Evelyn to b-be okay," she whispered half-brokenly, her arms hugging herself. Her lip quivered and Conner walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"She'll be okay, love. We will find, Evelyn."

"What do you mean you'll find Miss Evelyn?" a small voice spoke.

I looked in surprise to see Miles standing in the hall, clutching a stuffed bear Evelyn had gifted him. His blue eyes looked widely at us.

"I thought Miss Evelyn was seeing her friend? Did Miss Evelyn not know where her friend lived?" he asked sweetly.

"Miss Evelyn is gone?" Mira emerged down the hall. Her face was pale.

"Uh- Evelyn- she uh-" I stumbled trying to think of how to explain to the children their one source of stability was gone.

"Miss Evelyn is going to be just fine, she just lost her way to my house!" Madi exclaimed taking me off guard. She forced a smile onto her face and quickly wiped some tears as she stepped forward to the kids. She squatted down in front of them. "My name is Madi," she said gently, "I'm Evelyn's friend. I'm here to help her find her way home."

Her soft demeanor reminded me in all ways of Evelyn and it took everything in me not to cry then and there.

Miles and Mira sent her bright smiles.

"I'm Mira, this is Miles," Mira said motioning to herself and her brother enthusiastically with a smile.

"It's so nice to meet you, Evelyn has spoken so highly of you."

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