Chapter 27: Evelyn

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Warm sunlight filtered through the window touching the skin of my exposed shoulder. An oversized soft shirt bundled me up. I hummed enveloped in a cloud of warmth. Something warm and strong was wrapped around me, and I felt like I was melting like butter.

My eyes fluttered open and my mind was filled with flashes of the night before. They were so beautiful, so sweet, I could hardly believe they were real. I bit my lip, a soft blush coming to my cheeks.

I looked at Maximus, his sharp jaw slackened and soft as he inhaled peaceful breaths. His long eyelashes lay against his face and I longed to see his beautiful cool eyes. His beautiful assuring and relaxing eyes which I had peered into all night long. His eyes were special. Of any eyes in the world, I was almost certain they were the only eyes that saw me.

His arms were wrapped loosely around my waist and I gently reached a finger out to trace his arms. They were strong and protective, making me feel safe. So so safe.

With a feather-like touch, I began drawing small patterns, working my way from his wrist to forearm, to bicep. Eventually, I lifted my finger to reach out and gently trace his face. Just as I went to though, Maximus' arms tightened around me pulling me forward so that his face rested on my chest.

I tried to contain my giggles, instead deciding I would softly run my fingers through his hair.

"Evelyn," Maximus whispered.

My hand froze. I was caught.

"Evelyn," he whispered again, kissing my chin and then shifting to kiss the corners of my eyes, my forehead, the corner of each lip, and then placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled gently, his beautiful eyes fluttering open. "My beautiful mate," he whispered, saying the words as if he was in awe of them. As if he didn't believe them.

"My handsome mate," I whispered back. My eyes searched his face trying to remember every detail, every perfection, and imperfection.

"Hey," Maximus whispered, eyes trying to find mine, "what are you thinking in that big beautiful mind?"

I smiled gently, eyes landing back on him.

"I'm trying to memorize you."

"Memorize me?" he chuckled. His voice was husky from having just woken up.

"I want to know your face like the back of my hand. To know every intricate detail of your face."

A smile tugged at his lips, and he leaned in to kiss me again. His lips seemed to smolder me in love and adoration.

Between kisses, he whispered against my lips, "I love you."

I hummed in response.

Oh, Maximus. I love you too.


My suitcase rolled across the cobblestone outside the packhouse, bumping across each stone. Each bump was like a painful reminder I was stepping away from my life. My mate. My newfound family.

Maximus walked beside me, hand on the small of my back, a reminder he would be with me until the very millisecond we had to part ways. He had insisted on helping me with my bag but I had shaken my head and laughed at him. Winter was waning, and the snow was occasionally melted. I was lucky today was one of those days.

As we approached a large black SUV with tinted windows, Max's hand eased off my back, as if he wished the further back his hand went the slower I'd walk. The driver's door slammed closed and Gamma Xerxes walked around the car, opening the trunk and taking my bag from me.

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