Chapter 1: Evelyn

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My eyelids fluttered open as I woke up. Warm light streamed through my white curtains, causing the room to have a soft glow.  Stretching my arms above my head, I yawned and smiled knowing I had a much-needed night's rest.

Although I had rested well, my stomach was churning. For weeks, I had had an odd reoccurring dream. I stared at my toes thinking about how lovely the dream was and yet how something immensely bothered me about it.

The dream... it seemed too real. Like I had left my flesh in my sleep and gone forward in time, stepping into my future life. Despite the dream having occurred for weeks, this time something had changed.

I looked down at the batter I was stirring before pouring it into a sizzling pan. The sweet aroma of blueberry pancakes graced the air as it cooked. Lingering in the soft warm steam from the pan, I grinned. Then, I looked down and saw two children running around hair flying, and loudly giggling. One of them, a little boy with dark brown hair and honey brown eyes approached me. He couldn't be more than five, and he came and tugged on my shorts. I looked down and smiled at him, about to crouch down to his level when I noticed the other child. She was a little girl with golden-brown hair, practically identical to my color, running towards a towering figure with spasmodic laughter. She leaped into his arms and squealed, "Daddy".

At first, when the dream had started a few weeks ago this is where it had ended. I couldn't make out his face but I could always see his eyes. They were an unforgettable chilling icy blue. So cold was the blue, that most would think they would freeze you to the bone. Yet, in the dream, when I looked into his eyes they seemed to melt my heart and enthrall my soul. Rather than freeze me, his eyes reminded me of home, the ice-capped mountains of Alaska.

I sensed him approaching and felt his arms wind around my waist. Turning towards him, I made eye contact with him and he smiled. For the first time in the dream, his whole face was clear to me when he stepped out. His face was tanned and had a chiseled but spikey, unshaved jawline. It was a subtly which acknowledged it was morning. His hair was a dark shade of brown, almost black, and he swept it up and out of his eyes. I smiled as he held me, admiring every detail of his face. His nose had a little crook, one of the few imperfections that he had. Yet, it was what makes him seem all the more perfect. I noticed a little scar above his eyebrow and I reached out to touch it........

Then, I woke up.

Shaking the dream from my mind I threw my covers off and welcomed the cool Alaskan air. Slipping out of bed, I splayed my toes on my soft white fur rug before making my way over to my closet. Grabbing a warm flannel, black puffer jacket, and jeans, I headed into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Following that, I brushed through my damp brown hair, braiding it, and then headed downstairs.

Turning into the kitchen, I smiled, "Morning Mama and Papa!"

Sliding, into a black stool at the kitchen counter, my mother walked past me, grazing my head with a kiss while my father turned around across the kitchen aisle and smiled.

"Morning Evelyn, how did you sleep?"

"Really well actually," I grinned resting my elbows on the counter and resting my chin in my hands.

My father nodded his head, a way of saying great, before passing me a fork and eggs.

"Thank you," I grinned before digging in.

As I ate, I looked at my parents and admired them. My mother had frosty blonde hair and green eyes with smile lines that outlined them and somehow made them all the more beautiful. This was paired with surprisingly tan skin for Alaska. My father had white hair that was once strawberry blonde (or so I was told). His eyes were a stormy grey. Together they made a beautiful pair, hair colors almost resembling the Alaskan snow.

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