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Maddy spun in the mirror in front of the princess. A beautiful white balldress dress decorated in crimson reds circled around her with her spinning. While nothing could atone for what Ivera had done, her cruel forcing of etiquette had at least taught the queen how to walk in heels, not tall ones but still heels nonetheless.

"Wonderful," Lily grinned. "I would be lucky if I could become your lady in waiting."

The queen tilted her head, "Can't you?"

"Of course not. It's impossible for a princess not to mention I have or had a job as the Captain of the Royal Guards. While this 'vacation' has allowed me to relax, I intend on getting my position back."

Maddy winced as Lily proceeded to then tug at the strings of the back of the dress. "Don't pull so hard. I intend to eat tonight not throw up tonight."

Lily rolled her eyes, "Fine. But it's your loss."

"Loss? I'm sorry but I'm really not that self conscious of my body beyond my shortness."

"I hope your human arms can tug mine tighter at least," Lily muttered finishing off Maddy's laces.

Maddy shook her head and tugged the laces hard earning a very shocked squeal from the princess.

"I'm sorry!" Lily squealed as the Queen yanked the laces tighter.

Maddy grinned a smirk, "But I thought you wanted it tight Lily."

"You are a monster," the guard gasped pouncing on her friend and tackling her onto the bed.

"Hey careful! If you rip the dress I'll kill you. It took forever to choose and put on!" Maddy exclaimed.

"And there are many others!" Lily declared throwing the queen with a pillow. "And its my birthday! I can make you change as many times as I want. I'm practically queen on my birthday."

"And I'm a monster? You are even worse!" Maddy gasped.

Lily grinned lying next to Maddy. "You are amazing. Thanks to you I'm finally having fun being girly."


"Well feminine. I didn't like ballgowns because they just seemed to be a way for women to exert authority over each other with competing about best designers and they would put down those not wearing the best. They were brutal and made anything feminine feel like torture for me. But with you it isn't like that. I'm actually enjoying dressing up and doing these things."

"Uh I still don't like ballgowns. Well other than when they spin out."

Lily laughed, "You are so easy to please. Xavier really is stupid for now understanding how to do that. Just shiny spinny stuff."

"Now you are making me seem like a child."

"Oh but I would never my queen!" Lily gasped.

There was a nock and the door opened, causing the pair of girls to turn. "Your highnesses, the King has declared you must be at the top of the stairs 5 minutes ago." A servant reads out from words messily scrawled on the palm of his hand.

"Maddy! Put on your shoes we need to go!"

Maddy finished with a buckle on her heels and raced after Lily into the passage. "Okay so what do we tell him about being late," Lily fretted.

"We are late it is not that big," Maddy scoffed.

Lily stared wide eyed at her as they ran. "Xavier is the biggest time freak I know. You haven't been here long enough to realise that Xavier does not accept late. He is ALWAYS 10 minutes early to every meeting. This is so bad. We needed to make him happy to accept the proposal."

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