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"But don't you want to get closer with him? Like at all?"

"I don't know. I like this kind of pace. I don't feel like he expects anything of me, we just get to get to know each other better and—"

"You know I see why he thought locking you in a room with him to try and progress your relationship was necessary. Maddy how many relationships have you actually seen?"

"Uh I don't know. Not many though. I don't like areas with many humans nearby because that's where the slave traders and whatever else are most concentrated and I don't like getting close to other people because death is so common... I guess I just don't know how to be in a relationship. No wonder Xavier is getting a bit frustrated."

"No Maddy it's not like that. He loves you—"

"But he doesn't like our progress. I have never had many friends, or really any friends. The word friends is non existent amongst street rats like me. You don't get committed. Everyone is just an ally, competition or someone to step on to survive. Before Xavier no one tried to get to know me. I have only truly liked one or two people before and by liked I mean that as tolerated them enough to be able to classify them as whatever comes just before friends. I don't know how to be in a romantic relationship with him," Maddy said, whispering the last sentence.

"Maddy you should tell him that. He will understand."

"I doubt it."

"He will still accept it. But it really explains why your first attempt at making friends went so wrong."

"Yeah I ended up nearly dying and they did die."

"If it helps I don't have many friends either."

"You know when you get a mate. I am going to torment you like you torment me," Maddy declared smugly.

"You wish. I would probably be so boastful about my mate that there will be no way to embarrass me."

"Oh yeah? I can't wait to see you turn into a blushing pile of mush," Maddy laughed.

"HEY! Get the idea out of your head right now!!"

"No way! I need to learn to paint because the picture inside my head has to be shown to all!"



"If you even dare, I'll get someone to paint you blushing as well then!"

"Won't make a difference. I think Xavier has already planned to do that—" Maddy's hands covered her mouth.

"Oh this is going to be good, especially since you are like a little parrot that can easily be made to talk," Lily smirked.

"I am n- oh who am I kidding... we both know that is totally true," Maddy sighed.

"Spill, what did he do that made you blush."

"I don't exactly remember. He did so many things to make me blush that day alone. It was during or just after the movie though. He said something along the lines of wanting to have me painted blushing. I don't know whether or not he was joking though. Sometimes it is hard to tell."

"He better not be joking."

"Why can you never be on my side?!"

"Oh I'm on my own side. The one where I get you to blush an insane amount. And don't think that Xavier will help you. We both know he likes seeing you blush just as much as I do. Although for me it's just for my own amusement and because you look so adorable when you blush. For him I think it is because you are his mate, you are adorable and everything else."

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